Health & Medical Healthy Living

How to Recycle Toner at Office Depot

    In Store

    • 1). Wrap your spent toner cartridge(s) in a plastic bag(s) to prevent toner leakage and damage to the cartridges during transport. If you have more than one cartridge, place the wrapped cartridges in a box.

    • 2). Take your cartridge(s) to an Office Depot store. If you don't know the location of an Office Depot, click the Office Depot Store Locator link (see Resources) and click the "Store Locator" icon near the top of the screen. Enter your ZIP code or city and state information on the next screen, and click the "Find a Store" button.

    • 3). Present the cartridges to an Office Depot customer service representative. If you're a Worklife Rewards member, also present your Worklife Rewards membership card or number to receive Recycling Rewards toward future purchases.


    • 1). Order free Office Depot prepaid bulk shipment recycling boxes. If you want to order online, go to the Office Depot Online Ordering: Recycling Boxes page (see Resources), enter a quantity, click the "Add to Cart" button and then follow the on-screen instructions. If you want to order through an Office Depot representative, call Office Depot Customer Service at 800-GO-DEPOT (463-3768) and give the agent your order information: toner recycling box item 824-712, quantity of boxes and your contact and shipping information.

    • 2). Wrap your cartridge(s) in plastic bags. Insert the cartridges in one of your prepaid boxes and place packing paper or peanuts around the cartridges. Seal the box with clear tape.

    • 3). Ship the box back to Office Depot. Take the box to a local Office Depot for an Office Depot driver pick up or send the box through the shipping carrier indicated on the return label.

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