Would you like to know how to be a Power Woman in your relationships with men?Have you often wished for more control over situations?Do you find relationships running away with you and your getting lost in them?Yes this has happened to us all at some point or the other.
A Power Woman is like a Superwoman in relationships: she keeps the power in her own hands.
Read on and find out how you can be Power Woman in your love life: Top Tip #1:Be your own woman.
This means be independent and strong.
Many women just merge their identity with a man's: they become the relationship.
The man fell in love with you, and if you lose that identity, what is he going to be in love with?Not only should you maintain your identity, but you should work daily to keep it fresh and alive.
Keep your bank account separate too! Top Tip #2:Don't be a Yes Woman.
This means that you don't have to and should not agree with everything he says because you are so in love with him.
He should be equally in love with you that he wants your needs met as well.
But he will not know what those are if you keep saying yes to everything.
Then you will feel resentful to do it and this is where problems arise.
Be gentle when you beg to differ about something.
Know how to choose your moments as well.
You can do this very peacefully.
Top Tip #3:Step back.
Give him the gift of missing you.
If you are in his face every moment of every day, how can he miss you? If you are the first to call and text, how can he ever call first? Think about it.
Step back, take some breaths, and let him move towards you.
Think of men as being like puppies -- if you chase them they run away, but if you pull away, they'll follow.
The dating game, and much of life, is like that sometimes! Now you have the classified information on how to be Power Woman.
Enjoy the feeling of being in control.
It will feel effortless which is the way it should feel.
Would you like to add to that power and feel invincible? Then I urge you, dearest reader, to click here now.
You have everything to gain!The world is yours!
A Power Woman is like a Superwoman in relationships: she keeps the power in her own hands.
Read on and find out how you can be Power Woman in your love life: Top Tip #1:Be your own woman.
This means be independent and strong.
Many women just merge their identity with a man's: they become the relationship.
The man fell in love with you, and if you lose that identity, what is he going to be in love with?Not only should you maintain your identity, but you should work daily to keep it fresh and alive.
Keep your bank account separate too! Top Tip #2:Don't be a Yes Woman.
This means that you don't have to and should not agree with everything he says because you are so in love with him.
He should be equally in love with you that he wants your needs met as well.
But he will not know what those are if you keep saying yes to everything.
Then you will feel resentful to do it and this is where problems arise.
Be gentle when you beg to differ about something.
Know how to choose your moments as well.
You can do this very peacefully.
Top Tip #3:Step back.
Give him the gift of missing you.
If you are in his face every moment of every day, how can he miss you? If you are the first to call and text, how can he ever call first? Think about it.
Step back, take some breaths, and let him move towards you.
Think of men as being like puppies -- if you chase them they run away, but if you pull away, they'll follow.
The dating game, and much of life, is like that sometimes! Now you have the classified information on how to be Power Woman.
Enjoy the feeling of being in control.
It will feel effortless which is the way it should feel.
Would you like to add to that power and feel invincible? Then I urge you, dearest reader, to click here now.
You have everything to gain!The world is yours!