Health & Medical Healthy Living

Herb Remedies for Blood Circulation

    Common Herbs

    • The easiest to find common herb to help is rosemary. It's considered a memory aid, as it improves circulation to the scalp and brain. It grows freely through Europe and America, and is a very easy to grow at home. Rosemary is perfectly edible, and can be sprinkled onto many foods for an enjoyable taste. You can also use rosemary essential oils, or even drink a rosemary tea.

      Experts at Alternative Healthzine ( consider cayenne to be one of the "best blood circulation herbs." Its enzymes work closely with the blood, stopping bleeding, healing bruises, balancing blood pressure and circulation all at once. Since Cayenne often comes in a powder, it is more likely you will throw it in with your food. There are also capsules available to be taken with a meal. However, if you wish, you can also mix the powder with some water and drink it down.

      Ginger is a third, very common herb you can readily find in most grocery stores. It will help eliminate blood clots and improve circulation. It also will reduce blood cholesterol levels and ease the flow through arteries, veins and capillaries more efficiently. Because of this attribute, ginger can increase circulation to peripheral limbs such as fingers and toes, making it useful for preventing frostbite. Ginger can be eaten straight, but you will probably want to put it in your food to take the edge off of its taste.

    Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs

    • In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are a huge number of herbs that will help improve blood circulation. Most of these are meant to be taken in a mix, and you will likely want to visit a professional to have your body evaluated instead of attempting to do so yourself.

      One very common herb found in TCM is Dang Gui, or Chinese Angelica. Its root is known to tonify the blood, regulate menstruation, harmonize circulation and invigorate your blood. It has several other uses, such as for loss of appetite, and some antiseptic purposes. You can purchase it online in pill or tablet form, but check with a practitioner for the proper dose for your body.

      TCM also utilizes other herbs, such as Yimucao, or Chinese Motherwort. This herb is known to be a heart tonic, menstrual regulator and overall blood circulation enhancer. It's available at most Chinese herbal shops and grocery stores both in leaf and powder forms. You can make teas or purchase capsules, though like Angelica, the dose will depend on your body.

      Moutan bark comes from the root of a flowering plant in the Ranuncu-laceae family that grows mainly in the Anhui and Shandong regions. Moutan bark acts upon the kidney, liver and heart, aiding in circulation and reducing blood stasis. Generally, decoctions are made from the root in water. It can be baked with wine or stir-baked until it is charcoal, and then taken for hemostasis. Don't try to use this herb, however, if you are pregnant or have unusually heavy periods.

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