Health & Medical Lose Weight

10 Practical Ways to Manage Your Weight

Although we're well into the 21st century, how to lose weight continues to be a big unsolved mystery for many women and men.
In fact, some studies show that the more civilized we become, the more our weight gets out of hand.
Almost every woman can tell horror stories about diets gone wrong, and most are convinced that diets are simply a waste of time.
So instead of trying to talk you into yet another slim-down-fast strategy, here are ten practical ideas that actually work: 1.
Get to know your body.
Find out what emotions trigger your hunger.
Does boredom, sadness, or loneliness send you running to the fridge? What are you really craving? Fries or friends? Cake or caring? Latté or love? 2.
Identify how your body lets you know it's hungry.
Many times when we're dehydrated, we feel hungry when in reality it is thirst we're feeling.
Pay attention to your body to avoid mistaking one thing for the other.
Become familiar with your body's signal that it has had enough.
Eat slowly so you can recognize how it feels when you're satisfied, then stop eating.
Don't stop because your plate is empty, stop because you're full.
Drink water instead of caloric beverages.
You don't need a glass of lemonade with your lunch, try water instead.
Your body will thank you.
Put on your walking shoes.
As you age, you should choose low- impact activities that are comfortable and healthy.
Walking is one of the best ways to shave off unsightly pounds.
It's relaxing and entertaining and a great way to spend time with friends.
Take control of snacks and desserts.
Although it seems restrictive, it's a good idea to program specific days of the week for dessert.
For instance, instead of cutting out treats completely, just determine that on Thursdays (or any other day you prefer) you will indulge in a slice of your favorite dessert or a bag of your preferred snack.
Control your thoughts.
Chances are when you look in the mirror you aren't thrilled by what you see.
Instead of criticizing and belittling the man in the mirror, say out loud "I am not only good-looking, but I am also looking good!" 8.
Don't compare.
Always remember that every metabolism is different and that just because your girl Susie lost five pounds last week and you didn't, doesn't mean there's something wrong with you.
Get support.
Surround yourself with people who love you and are willing to hold you accountable without becoming judgmental and condemning.
Enjoy the process.
Losing weight can be very rewarding.
Don't waste energy stressing over the small stuff.
Instead of talking down to yourself every time you slip, pat yourself on the back because you're on your way to a healthier, happier you.
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