Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight Without Trying

You have tried varies diets and programs.
You lose a bit, gain it back and with interest.
You weigh yourself constantly and the scales decide if it is a good or bad day.
If it goes up your mood is affected for the rest of that day.
Why is it so hard to lose weight.
The answer is because you are TRYING to lose weight.
Doesn't make much sense right? Wrong? You see when you become obsessed with something it starts to control you.
You begin seeing food in a negative light.
Exercise or gym work seems like a punishment for your indulgences.
Have you ever said..
"one more piece of cake and I will work it off tomorrow".
I am going to set you free with a tip so powerful yet incredibly simple.
Firstly forget trying to lose weight.
Do not try.
Try does not lead to anything.
As Yoda said, "there is no try, only do".
Now you can't just "do" weight loss.
So if you can't do it, and if trying only gets you in circles what is left? The answer is to "do" the things you can control.
To lose weight permanently - forever.
Sounds tempting.
Stop focusing on weight loss, forget it.
It is a no win strategy.
What happens when we carry too much weight is that we develop health issues.
These can range from high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, low energy levels.
In turn this will affect your quality of life, as it affects your mood and interactions with other people in a negative way.
So here is what to do instead.
1) Do not try and lose weight 2) Focus on making improvements to your health, each and every day.
3) Focus on making improvements to your fitness each and every day.
Here are some quick examples 1.
Today I will go for a 30 minute walk.
Today I will not have any junk food 4.
Today I will play some social sport with a friend 5.
Today I will have a healthy filling breakfast 6.
Today I will park 2 blocks away from the shopping centre 7.
When I eat out today I am going to have the grilled fish and steamed vegetables.
Your list can be endless.
Improve on your food choices, don't try and follow any diet.
Make improvements to the foods you choose.
Making improvements to the amount of exercise you do.
Aim to get as fit (through exercise) and as healthy (through eating) as you can.
Focus on those 2 things.
As soon as you do, your health will improve, your risk of many cancers is reduced.
Do this daily.
Take your focus off weight loss and put it on getting fit and healthy, make 1 or 2 improvements each day and guess what? Over time you will find that weight loss is just a side effect of a fit and healthy approach to life and that is something worth doing.
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