Miraculous as this may sound, studies have shown that test subjects who ate certain foods actually lost more weight than those who did not eat these foods – even when everything else they did was the same.
The three foods that can burn fat are:
Beans are a rich source of protein. They also contain complex carbohydrates.
Beans are excellent for weight loss because they contain fiber that is hard to digest. Fiber is good for dieters who want to lose weight because:
-Fiber is more challenging to digest. Thus, taking in fiber is akin to subjecting your digestive system to an intense workout. Simply put, it keeps your insides fighting fit. -Fiber takes more time to get digested. Therefore, fibrous foods keep you feeling full for longer periods of time. -Beans come under complex carbohydrates. This means they release their sugar content slowly. This keeps blood sugar levels under control for longer periods of time which in turn arrests food cravings.
The market is full of fancy beans foods like sugar baked beans or refried beans. These, you want to avoid because they contain unnecessary calories which interfere with your weight loss program efforts. Opt for plain beans instead.
Skim Milk
Milk is one of the best sources of calcium. Calcium is one of the most effective boosters of metabolism. Scientific studies have proved this.
In one test, two groups of test subjects were given the same foods, except that one group also took in several servings of calcium each day. At the end of the test period, it was found that the group that took in calcium lost as much as three times more weight than the other group.
Calcium is available in trace amounts in veggies like broccoli. However, dairy products are calcium rich. Choose skim milk as it contains fewer calories. Go for 2%, 1% or fat free milk. From these, you get minimum calories and maximum calcium.
Green Tea
Green tea is a dieter's best friend. Green tea is rich in antioxidants which eliminate harmful free radicals from the body. This prevents deadly diseases like cancer.
Green tea also contains small amounts of caffeine which speeds up the metabolism and gives the body an energy kick.
Green tea is a mild diuretic which means it flushes toxins out of the body by releasing excess fluids from the body.
It has been proved that people who take in 4-6 cups of green tea daily lose weight much faster than those who do not. You can taken in Green Tea any time and as many times as you want.
Honorable Mention: Water
Most of us do not take in half the amount of water needed by the body. In fact, the humble water is often overlooked. Water is essential for health and weight loss. Its uses are as follows:
-It reduces hunger pangs -Hydrates the body -Flushes out toxins
Water speeds up the rate of metabolism. How? Well, the kidneys throw out waste from the body. But when there is not enough water in the body, the kidneys have to fall back on the assistance of the liver for waste removal. However, the main function of the liver is to convert fat into energy. So, when it is called upon to remove waste, its effectiveness in its primary activity is compromised. By drinking plenty of water, it is possible to burn fat faster. For best results, take in about 64 ounces of water every day.
Now that you know how to eat your way to weight loss, there is no need to feel deprived any more. Lose weight on a full tummy
The three foods that can burn fat are:
Beans are a rich source of protein. They also contain complex carbohydrates.
Beans are excellent for weight loss because they contain fiber that is hard to digest. Fiber is good for dieters who want to lose weight because:
-Fiber is more challenging to digest. Thus, taking in fiber is akin to subjecting your digestive system to an intense workout. Simply put, it keeps your insides fighting fit. -Fiber takes more time to get digested. Therefore, fibrous foods keep you feeling full for longer periods of time. -Beans come under complex carbohydrates. This means they release their sugar content slowly. This keeps blood sugar levels under control for longer periods of time which in turn arrests food cravings.
The market is full of fancy beans foods like sugar baked beans or refried beans. These, you want to avoid because they contain unnecessary calories which interfere with your weight loss program efforts. Opt for plain beans instead.
Skim Milk
Milk is one of the best sources of calcium. Calcium is one of the most effective boosters of metabolism. Scientific studies have proved this.
In one test, two groups of test subjects were given the same foods, except that one group also took in several servings of calcium each day. At the end of the test period, it was found that the group that took in calcium lost as much as three times more weight than the other group.
Calcium is available in trace amounts in veggies like broccoli. However, dairy products are calcium rich. Choose skim milk as it contains fewer calories. Go for 2%, 1% or fat free milk. From these, you get minimum calories and maximum calcium.
Green Tea
Green tea is a dieter's best friend. Green tea is rich in antioxidants which eliminate harmful free radicals from the body. This prevents deadly diseases like cancer.
Green tea also contains small amounts of caffeine which speeds up the metabolism and gives the body an energy kick.
Green tea is a mild diuretic which means it flushes toxins out of the body by releasing excess fluids from the body.
It has been proved that people who take in 4-6 cups of green tea daily lose weight much faster than those who do not. You can taken in Green Tea any time and as many times as you want.
Honorable Mention: Water
Most of us do not take in half the amount of water needed by the body. In fact, the humble water is often overlooked. Water is essential for health and weight loss. Its uses are as follows:
-It reduces hunger pangs -Hydrates the body -Flushes out toxins
Water speeds up the rate of metabolism. How? Well, the kidneys throw out waste from the body. But when there is not enough water in the body, the kidneys have to fall back on the assistance of the liver for waste removal. However, the main function of the liver is to convert fat into energy. So, when it is called upon to remove waste, its effectiveness in its primary activity is compromised. By drinking plenty of water, it is possible to burn fat faster. For best results, take in about 64 ounces of water every day.
Now that you know how to eat your way to weight loss, there is no need to feel deprived any more. Lose weight on a full tummy