- Rubbing alcohol is a mild solvent that will dissolve the resin in the permanent marker so that you can remove it from the surface of appliances. Rubbing alcohol is flammable so keep it away from open flames when you are using it. To use it, soak a clean cloth in the rubbing alcohol and rub it over the permanent marker stain. Work until the stain is gone.
- Acetone is another solvent that will remove ink stains from appliances. It is stronger than rubbing alcohol and will work to remove tough, set-in stains. It is best used on appliances that don't have any paint or protective coating on them. Acetone will also dissolve paint marks and could ruin the look of your appliance. It is effective in removing permanent marker.
- Baking soda is the best natural method for ink stain removal. It is effective in removing ink stains from painted appliances that you cannot use acetone to remove. Baking soda is effective because when you mix it with water it forms a strong scouring powder that will help grind away the stain. To use it, add water to the baking soda until you make a thick paste. Rub the paste into the ink stain until it is gone.
- If you just recently marked your appliance with a ballpoint pen, you can remove the mark with mild dishwashing liquid. The dishwashing liquid will help rinse away the light pen marks. This is the best method to use if you have a light stain that has not set in yet. To use it, apply a drop of liquid dish soap to the ink mark and brush it into the stain with a wet toothbrush. Rinse the area with clear water.
Rubbing Alcohol
Baking Soda
Dishwashing Liquid