- 1
Draw an oval that comes to a narrow point a the bottom for the head. Add a large oval to the side of this for the body. Attach the legs with simple lines. Add elbows, knees and paws with ovals. Draw the ears with two small circles coming out of the top of the head. Add a cross or "t" shape to the face as a guideline for the eyes and nose. - 2
Add parallel lines around the leg guidelines to make the legs thicker. Draw the claws on the front right-hand paw with four curved cones. Do the same for the back right-hand side leg. On the other two legs, add two curved cones for claws. - 3
Draw the eyes with small ovals that are tipped diagonally and come to a point at the bottom, like a reverse tear drop. Add the nose with an upside down triangle at the base of the face. Create the ridge on the upper back with a reverse "v" shape between the head and the body. Add tufts of fur along the cheeks back and legs with small triangular shapes. - 4
Erase all of the guidelines. Inside the ear, draw small curved lines to create the inner ear. These lines should be parallel to the outer ear. - 5
Ink the entire drawing. Let the ink dry and erase the pencil. Darken in the eyes, nose and claws. Add shadows under the back leg and under the chin.