How do you make a first date fun? It helps if you come prepared and have some "Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone" ready, in the back of your mind.
Notice I said in the back of your mind...
not on the palm of your hand.
Get The Basic Questions Out Of The Way We usually seem to start off with some basic questions and find out who they are, where they live, where they work, etc.
And this information seems to be necessary when you want to get to know a person a little more.
Even though this gets to sound very rehearsed and uninteresting after a while.
Most people love to talk about themselves.
So it's your job to feed your date with plenty of content to talk about.
I personally would rather listen to someone, than do all the talking.
But I like to pick the subject matter...
who wants to listen to four hours of their last bad relationship? Not me! How about asking some Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone.
Fun questions that will keep the evening light hearted, happy, and full of laughter! Here's a list of ten Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone.
If you do it right, you should never make it through all ten the first evening! Ten Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone 1.
Where do you like to go to have fun? (It may be the local pub, but it may be Vegas!) 2.
What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh? (This will bring up a great memory, and if they're willing to share it with you...
all the better!) 3.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? (You may have found a new travel companion) 4.
What is your all time favorite comedy movie? (There's nothing better than laughing over your favorite lines in an old movie!) 5.
What is your happiest childhood memory? (Camping in the back yard? Christmas? A family vacation? Remembering will put a smile on their face...
and yours.
) 6.
What song always makes you happy when you hear it? (You'll see if they feel comfortable enough with you, and start singing it) 7.
What was your favorite sitcom growing up? ( I wouldn't start off with this one...
even though everyone has a favorite.
They should be just embarrassed enough to laugh about it) 8.
What favorite food puts you in a great mood? (Remember this one if you get a second date) 9.
Who's the funniest person you know? (Fun, funny, happy, favorite...
are you starting to see where I'm going with all of this?) 10.
What was the best vacation you ever had? (A happy childhood vacation memory, or possibly last years trip to Paris!) Good luck to you! And I hope this list of Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone helps you enjoy your first date a little more.
Notice I said in the back of your mind...
not on the palm of your hand.
Get The Basic Questions Out Of The Way We usually seem to start off with some basic questions and find out who they are, where they live, where they work, etc.
And this information seems to be necessary when you want to get to know a person a little more.
Even though this gets to sound very rehearsed and uninteresting after a while.
Most people love to talk about themselves.
So it's your job to feed your date with plenty of content to talk about.
I personally would rather listen to someone, than do all the talking.
But I like to pick the subject matter...
who wants to listen to four hours of their last bad relationship? Not me! How about asking some Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone.
Fun questions that will keep the evening light hearted, happy, and full of laughter! Here's a list of ten Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone.
If you do it right, you should never make it through all ten the first evening! Ten Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone 1.
Where do you like to go to have fun? (It may be the local pub, but it may be Vegas!) 2.
What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh? (This will bring up a great memory, and if they're willing to share it with you...
all the better!) 3.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? (You may have found a new travel companion) 4.
What is your all time favorite comedy movie? (There's nothing better than laughing over your favorite lines in an old movie!) 5.
What is your happiest childhood memory? (Camping in the back yard? Christmas? A family vacation? Remembering will put a smile on their face...
and yours.
) 6.
What song always makes you happy when you hear it? (You'll see if they feel comfortable enough with you, and start singing it) 7.
What was your favorite sitcom growing up? ( I wouldn't start off with this one...
even though everyone has a favorite.
They should be just embarrassed enough to laugh about it) 8.
What favorite food puts you in a great mood? (Remember this one if you get a second date) 9.
Who's the funniest person you know? (Fun, funny, happy, favorite...
are you starting to see where I'm going with all of this?) 10.
What was the best vacation you ever had? (A happy childhood vacation memory, or possibly last years trip to Paris!) Good luck to you! And I hope this list of Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone helps you enjoy your first date a little more.