Health & Medical Body building

Bodybuilder Diet

As a bodybuilder, there are certain aspects of bodybuilder diet that you need to consider so as to achieve muscle mass fast.
Contrary to what many people think, there is a difference between starving and dieting.
Dieting involves following some simple, basic rules like taking small amounts of healthy food, regularly as opposed to infrequent, large amounts.
The nutritional program that body builders stick to is customized to the round development of the whole body in a very healthy way.
This helps increase your metabolism and burn tar excessive fat in your body.
What Does a Bodybuilder Diet Do? The average body builder diet comprises of meals that are of roughly equal nutritional content.
These meals are taken between 5 to 7 times a day and on intervals of 3 to 4 hours.
This kind of meals intake helps in limiting the overindulgence of cutting phases and allows the physical consumption of larger volumes of food during the bulking phase.
Various products are used in augmenting the muscle size, increase the natural production of testosterone, improve training routine, develop joint health, prevent possible lack of essential nutrients and increase the fat loss rate.
Typical Bodybuilder Diet All body builders have something called a diet plan.
The diet plan should have meals that are low in fiber and fat.
They should be consistent with carbohydrates and proteins.
The meals containing these nutrients should be eaten before work-outs to prevent any possibility of dehydration.
The following is a sample bodybuilder diet for men Meal 1 (7:00 AM) A small bowl of dry oats, preferably mixed with some water 250 grams of egg beaters Meal 2 (9:00 AM) A verified protein powder mixed with crabs from cream of oatmeal or grits A single tablespoon of flaxseed oil Meal 3 (12:00 PM) A small bowl of oatmeal, baked potatoes or brown rice can also work as great substitutes A medium sized bowl of broccoli, spinach, cow peas, kale or any other desired vegetable 8-9 ounces of lean fish, turkey or chicken Meal 4 (3:00 PM) Carbohydrate powder mixed with oatmeal or rice A spectrum brand tablespoon of flaxseed Meal 5 (6:00 PM) A small bowl of baked potatoes A cup of oatmeal A medium sized bowl of cow peas, green beans, broccoli or a vegetable of choice 8-9 ounces of red /white meat Meal 6 (8:00 PM) Same as meal 2 0r 4 Tips to Successful Bodybuilder Diet Many experts agree that the diet accounts for almost 90% of a person's success in body building.
Therefore the importance of a good diet in accomplishing this task should not be understated.
You will find the following tips very helpful in bodybuilding diet • Do not make the mistake of eliminating carbohydrates from your diet.
Some body builders think elimination of carbohydrates helps but truthfully, it only makes one have problems such as energy loss and fatigue.
Therefore always ensure that carbohydrates are part of your diet.
• By following a high calorie diet, for about 5 days a week followed by a 2 day low calories diet.
Your muscle gain and fat loss will be much faster.
However it is important to know that the calorie intake depend on the kind of exercises you do.
Active and aggressive exercises call for a higher calorie intake.
• Similarly, you need to eliminate refined sugars from your diet plan.
Soft drinks such as sodas contain amount of sugars that can destroy your plan.
Sweets also may thwart your plan to achieve a nice body.
Finally keep in mind that bodybuilding by guesswork is strongly discouraged.
It is highly recommended to follow a professional body builder's advice when coming up with your bodybuilder diet plan.
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