- Some sprouted grain breads form a complete protein, but are healthier than animal protein sources.Sandwiches image by Dawn from Fotolia.com
Most low-protein diets suggest beefing up the consumption of whole grains, fruits and healthy fats. Although Atkins and South Beach diets encourage dieters to eat a high-protein diet, some people prefer a vegetarian or low-protein diet. A low-protein diet is often recommended for people with kidney or liver disease. Low-protein diets reduce the strain on the liver, which metabolizes protein. This diet consists of 4 to 8 percent protein a day. - While on a low-protein diet, eat soups made with a vegetarian base, chunks of cut vegetables, along with rice or pasta. Flavor the soup with herbs and spices. Avoid adding chicken or meat as well as beans which are higher in protein.
- Eat salads made of any kind of lettuce and raw vegetables. Avoid nuts, seeds, chicken, hard-boiled eggs and cheeses. Instead, try sprouts, shredded carrots, radishes and shredded squash to add flavor and color to your salad. Juicing is also extremely healthy and perfect for a low-protein diet. Juice carrots, spinach, celery and herbs. Lemon and green apples can improve the flavor of a vegetable juice by adding a citrus bite to the taste.
- Use portobello mushrooms or grilled eggplant as the main filler in the sandwich. Be creative by grilling the sandwich to make a panini. Fill with sandwich with cucumber slices, lettuces, peppers, or fruit such as pears. The "Bread For Life Diet" claims eating bread can lead to higher serotonin levels, which can lead to a greater feeling of well-being in the body. The diet recommends up to 12 slices a day of light bread for women.
- "The Carb Lovers Diet," encourages people to eat carbs that contain resistant starch, which is the starch that does not get fully digested in the small intestine. Like fiber, resistant starches may help people eat fewer calories. Examples of resistant starches include slightly green bananas, yams and brown rice. Make fried brown rice, grilled vegetables and low-protein pasta for main meals. Add fats to your main dishes, but use monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, Sauerkraut and cauliflower all contain only small amounts of protein and make healthy side dishes.
- You don't have to skip dessert on a low-protein diet. Fruits contain antioxidants and fiber, and make a healthy dessert. High carbohydrate meals raise serotonin levels which also results in you feeling full. Enjoy frozen fruit treats or fruit salad made with papaya which has very little protein.
High carb soups
Salads and juicing
Sandwiches, breads
Main dishes, sides