Health & Medical Anti Aging

Mitochondria - Jedi Knights in the Anti-Aging War?

For many people, the closest they have come to any understanding of the inner workings of a human cell was if they watched the movie "Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace".
In one scene of the movie, Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn is attempting to explain the power within the Jedi Knight.
He tells the viewers about microscopic life forms called "midi-chlorians" that dwell within all living cells.
These midi-chlorians are the source of the Jedi's power as they are the link with "The Force".
Many of those who are somewhat knowledgeable about the human cell believe that Master Qui-Gon Jinn's description contains a kernel of truth.
Within our human cells are structures known as mitochondria.
These structures are bacteria-like in nature and help provide cellular energy.
At one time, they probably WERE bacteria housed within the cell, but, over millions of years, they lost most of their "living" aspects, but continued to play a role in generating energy within the cell.
Recent research indicates that they also participate in many other functions including selecting the sex of a child, choosing which factors will come forward in the embryo, and whether or not someone will get Alzheimer's! As we age, one thing which happens is that the mitochondria begin to "lose their powers" and might even go over to the "dark side of the force".
In fact, some actually become malevolent before we seniors even begin worrying about things like anti-aging products, exercise, nutrition, and other silly matters...
which become not quite so silly when the older version of Darth Vader, the guy with the sickle, approaches.
Okay, so mitochondria basically transform the nutrients we provide into the energy we need to live.
So what? Well, it seems to me that, if we are really into anti-aging thought patterns, we want to keep our mitochondria happy and healthy.
We can do this a lot of ways.
The most simple way is to live a healthy lifestyle ourselves: regular exercise, proper nutrition, appropriate rest, just to name a few steps we can take.
In the nutrition department, we might want to make sure we get a good supply of antioxidants as these help combat free radicals which are highly destructive to mitochondria.
Getting the ever-popular eight hours of sleep a night, together with the other two factors can help with the natural production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), which is way better than buying it on a street-corner from some renegade doctor.
Sorry, I've seen too many stories about professional athletes and their use of illegal HGH injections.
Natural production through healthy living is encouraged and has positive results, while the other method can result in some rather UN-healthy outcomes.
There are various other nutrients and products which can improve the function of mitochondria, one of which is resveratrol, a factor in red wine (hooray!), and many of these products make use of that ingredient.
One activity of mitochondria which is relevant to anti-aging plans and programs is called mitochondrial biogenesis.
As we age, mitochondria start to "die off" and lose their power.
Mitochondrial biogenesis is the process by which new mitochondria are manufactured, and a regular supply of new "Jedi Knights" in the anti-aging war can help keep the dark side of the force at bay...
at least for a while...
so it is in our best interests to make sure that we are doing all we can to help them out.
Exercise regularly, eat properly, get your rest, and get your resveratrol and other antioxidants daily.
For most of us, the minimum of a walk, a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, and eight hours of sleep, together with a daily multivitamin will go a long way to keeping the inner Jedi Knight healthy and prepared to do battle.
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