Health & Medical Body building

Effective Ab Workouts

Everybody would like to have perfect abs.
Getting them is easier said than done however.
Most people simply do not know where to start.
They simply begin doing some sit ups and hope for the best.
Then they get disappointed when they do not see any results and give up.
The truth is that, if you want six pack abs or even just a flat stomach, you will have to eat right, do regular cardio exercises and do weight training.
Once you have a diet and cardio plan ready you can incorporate the following ab exercises into your workout program: 1)Vertical Leg Crunches This is a relatively easy ab exercise that works both the abdominal muscles and the obliques.
First, lie face up on the floor, extend your legs and cross your knees.
Tighten your ab muscles as much as you can, while lifting your shoulders off the floor.
At the top of this movement move your bellybutton towards your spine.
Do not move your feet.
Bring your shoulders back to their original position and relax your belly.
2)The Bicycle: This exercise also targets the abs.
Begin by lying down, face up, on the floor, with your fingers behind your head.
Lift your knees towards your chest and lift your shoulders.
Do not pull your neck.
Straighten your left leg and turn your upper body to the right.
Move your left elbow towards your right knee, then switch sides.
Keep switching sides, and move your legs in a pedaling motion, as if you were riding a bicycle.
Each of these exercises should be done for about 10-15 reps.
If you can do more reps easily, you will need to make them more challenging by putting a weight plate or dumbbell on your chest.
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