Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Fight Hunger While Dieting

If you begin to feel hungry, eat something.
Just make sure you eat decent healthy foods and don't eat too much of it.
It's important that you eat enough to curb your hunger and balance your blood sugar levels.
The goal here though is to lose weight, so you'll only be undoing your hard work if you eat junk food.
It's a fact that the more vegetables you can eat the more full up you'll feel.
Vegetables and fruit harbor a lot of elements such as water and fiber, so they will keep hunger at bay for some time (although fruit can add significant calories when eaten in large amounts--especially dried fruits).
Eating foods like pretzels, cake, ice buns or soda will only satisfy you on short period of time and you will be wanting more in just a couple of hours.
When you're trying to shed some weight you might find that you are preoccupied with food most of the day.
There are all kinds of reasons people eat other than to stop their hunger, but hunger is surely one of the more difficult feelings to control because it's physiological.
Learning how to control these feelings can seem hard to many, but it isn't impossible.
The more vegetables you can eat the fuller you will feel.
Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber and water, so they will keep you from feeling hungry for some time (although fruit can add significant calories when you eat large amounts--especially dried fruits).
Eating foods like chocolate, cake, candy or soda will give you only immediate satisfaction and you will be craving for more in just a couple of hours.
A handful of nuts of near enough any type will stimulate a hormone in your body which can reduce hunger for a period of twenty minutes.
This is a great tip to use about 30 minutes before you go out to a social occasions or meal.
You won't feel starving and be tempted to go overboard as soon as you see food!
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