Are you getting mixed signals from your man? Do you find yourself dazed, confused and not having a clear idea of what men really want? Do you wish to understand what your man really wants in a woman? If you're looking for information on how you can be a better woman for your lover, you should know that you're not alone.
Although you'll often hear men complain of not knowing what women want, the women are also having a hard time deciphering the messages that men give them.
In order to have a better understanding of your man, here is a short article that might be able to help you out.
An air of confidence If you're going to ask men what they want from a woman, you'll be surprised to know that most of them are attracted by confidence.
Confidence not only makes a woman seem more attractive, but it can also say a lot about a woman's personality as it usually signifies independence and a go getting attitude.
If you want your man to be attracted to you, it's time to throw out that damsel in distress act and start playing the role of a modern woman.
A great sense of humor A great sense of humor is another thing that many men wish their women had.
If you're able to laugh at other people's jokes, and laugh at yourself as well, you're seen as a person who would be a lot of fun to be with.
Men love to be with women who they feel they can have a great time with so if you want to develop a smooth sailing relationship, don't be afraid to take light hearted approach towards certain situations.
A good conversationalist Though many women feel that men don't value conversations as much as they do, the truth is, a man will likely choose going on a date with a good conversationalist over a supermodel anytime.
Read up on different topics so that you can develop an opinion on just about any topic under the sun.
Once a man becomes enthralled with the smart things that you have to say, he'll want to get your opinion on just about anything.
Just remember to always keep in moderation if you don't want to turn off a potential lover with too much gab.
So you see men aren't really that difficult to understand as long as you know what they want in their women.
Just remember to incorporate the three aforementioned traits into your personality and you'll be the apple of your man's eye in no time.
Although you'll often hear men complain of not knowing what women want, the women are also having a hard time deciphering the messages that men give them.
In order to have a better understanding of your man, here is a short article that might be able to help you out.
An air of confidence If you're going to ask men what they want from a woman, you'll be surprised to know that most of them are attracted by confidence.
Confidence not only makes a woman seem more attractive, but it can also say a lot about a woman's personality as it usually signifies independence and a go getting attitude.
If you want your man to be attracted to you, it's time to throw out that damsel in distress act and start playing the role of a modern woman.
A great sense of humor A great sense of humor is another thing that many men wish their women had.
If you're able to laugh at other people's jokes, and laugh at yourself as well, you're seen as a person who would be a lot of fun to be with.
Men love to be with women who they feel they can have a great time with so if you want to develop a smooth sailing relationship, don't be afraid to take light hearted approach towards certain situations.
A good conversationalist Though many women feel that men don't value conversations as much as they do, the truth is, a man will likely choose going on a date with a good conversationalist over a supermodel anytime.
Read up on different topics so that you can develop an opinion on just about any topic under the sun.
Once a man becomes enthralled with the smart things that you have to say, he'll want to get your opinion on just about anything.
Just remember to always keep in moderation if you don't want to turn off a potential lover with too much gab.
So you see men aren't really that difficult to understand as long as you know what they want in their women.
Just remember to incorporate the three aforementioned traits into your personality and you'll be the apple of your man's eye in no time.