Health & Medical Lose Weight

Reduce Cravings For Fattening Foods in 14 Seconds With a Unique Form of Weight Loss Hypnosis

One of the most difficult, and frustrating issues facing those who want to experience rapid - and lasting - weight loss is this: CRAVINGS! The urge to eat fattening foods...
to eat lots of them...
and to eat them at the "worst" times destroys most every attempt to drop pounds and keep them off.
So, this is where this unique form of weight loss comes in, as explained in just a moment: You can feel the power of reducing cravings - in under 14 seconds - by experiencing a remarkable new method of "updating some old lines of code in your inner mind" - which is your feeling and weight controller.
Please let me explain: Many different techniques are used in weight loss hypnosis CDs and during private practice, the most effective all involving changing perceptions at the "gut" - or "inner/subconscious mind" level.
Because, changes in your conscious mind...
and other superficial methods will always fail...
and fail big time.
While changes at the gut level last.
For instance, if you get a craving for a fattening food, there is most likely a picture that goes along with it your mind.
One of the easiest ways to reduce the craving is this: Close your eyes, and see the picture as you want the food.
For most of us, the picture is in color.
CHANGE it to black and white.
Then, shrink the picture down to 1/4 of it's original size.
Then, make the picture fuzzy...
like the fuzzy hair or legs of something you find distasteful.
Then, move the picture to much further away from you, and to your left.
If you do this with NO INTERRUPTIONS, your cravings will diminish.
There are other techniques that are far more permanent to crushing cravings forever...
but this will give you a "handle" on food urges.
Control over what foods you eat is one of the key variables in weight loss success...
and doing it without willpower is CRITICAL.
Because willpower never lasts.
Other techniques are available...
consider using hypnosis and other state of the art methods to permanently put you back in control over food, your weight, and your life.
Enjoy this method, and be open to exploring other weight loss hypnosis methods.
Taking the road "less traveled" will often yield far better results than the "same old, same old".
BTW: In hypnosis, you in complete control...
and can actually use hypnosis as your secret weapon to gain control of stubborn weight issues...
other problems...
and to improve your performance in your career and most every area of your life.
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