- 1). Prep the drywall by sanding the entire surface with a course-grit sandpaper. The idea is to rough up the surface just enough for the lime wash to stick without compromising the drywall. Wipe away excess dust with a soft cloth after sanding.
- 2). Apply one coat of primer to the drywall with a paint roller. Drywall is typically unsuitable for lime wash painting; however, with the right primer you will be able to paint your walls with ease. Choose a primer that is specifically made for use with lime wash. This primer will allow the lime wash to adhere to the drywall.
- 3). Combine 2 parts water and 1 part lime powder in a bucket. Add a small amount of linseed oil as a binding agent. The amount of linseed oil needed will vary based on the amount of wash you are making, but the general ratio is 10 percent of the total amount of lime wash being made. Stir until it is combined well.
- 4). Apply the lime wash to the wall with a paint brush working in wide, even strokes. Stir the wash each time you dip the paint brush in the bucket to avoid the settling of the lime powder. Continue until the entire wall is covered. Apply a second coating if desired.