Building lots of mass in a short period of time is not all that hard to do, nut one can become overloaded with information on how to do so quite quickly and never end up getting to the gym at all.
The key to building large amounts of muscle mass in a short period of time is getting into the gym 2-3 times a week and blowing every muscle in the body (including your legs) as much as physically possible so the first thing you need to do is STOP reading about how to do it on the net and get into the gym and do it.
Though there is much conflict in the best way to achieve big gains in short periods of time the most important thing is simply choosing one! There are two main categories no matter how you look at it and I have seen them both work: high rep and low rep.
That's it! So all you need do now is ask yourself would you prefer to do high repetitions of a lighter weight or only a few repetitions of a very heavy weight? Here is the workout plan that I have seen used countless times in both low and high rep workouts effectively: -Squats -Dumbbell Pullovers -Bench Press -Standing Barbell Press -Bent over Barbell Rows -Chin ups (weighted) -Dips (weighted) Three sets of each of these and you should have trouble opening the door to leave the gym.
I don't recommend the use of any supplements except for a good quality protein shake.
So get off your chair and into the gym right NOW! You won't get bigger by reading more articles.
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The key to building large amounts of muscle mass in a short period of time is getting into the gym 2-3 times a week and blowing every muscle in the body (including your legs) as much as physically possible so the first thing you need to do is STOP reading about how to do it on the net and get into the gym and do it.
Though there is much conflict in the best way to achieve big gains in short periods of time the most important thing is simply choosing one! There are two main categories no matter how you look at it and I have seen them both work: high rep and low rep.
That's it! So all you need do now is ask yourself would you prefer to do high repetitions of a lighter weight or only a few repetitions of a very heavy weight? Here is the workout plan that I have seen used countless times in both low and high rep workouts effectively: -Squats -Dumbbell Pullovers -Bench Press -Standing Barbell Press -Bent over Barbell Rows -Chin ups (weighted) -Dips (weighted) Three sets of each of these and you should have trouble opening the door to leave the gym.
I don't recommend the use of any supplements except for a good quality protein shake.
So get off your chair and into the gym right NOW! You won't get bigger by reading more articles.
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