Health & Medical Lose Weight

The Best Breast Augmentation Surgery


    • The most obvious consideration is size. Surgery is a major and potentially dangerous event, so picking the right size for you is important to avoid multiple surgeries for resizing. You physician can help you determine an appropriate size, but testing out sizes can also be helpful. Most lingerie departments sell "chicken cutlets," silicone pads that fit into your bra, which can give you a good idea of how much bigger you would like to be. Sometimes your doctor can also let you try on model implants. Wear either the models or the silicone pads in the desired size and see how you feel. Ask friends and family what they think to get a better idea of how you look. Whatever size makes you feel the most comfortable and confident is the size that is right for you.

    Type of implant

    • There are two types of implants, saline filled or silicone filled. Saline is a safer material; if the implant were to rupture for any reason, the body will simply absorb the saline. Some people think this type of implant doesn't feel as real though. Silicone is the other filling that was commonly used and is now becoming popular again. It is though by some people to feel more natural; however, if it this implant ruptures, it will release the silicone into the body. Some people have experienced negative health effects when this happens. Your doctor can help you decide which type will be the best for you.


    • The final aspect of breast augmentation surgery is the location of insertion of the implants. Traditionally, a small incision was made at the base of the breast or on the bottom of the areola and the implant was inserted. Some people did not want these scars and new methods were developed. Many augmentations today are done through an incision in the armpit or an incision in the belly button. These types of insertion leave far less noticeable scars but have an increased chance for post-operative infection as the skin layers are more traumatized from the longer path from insertion point to the breast. Your doctor can help you determine your risk factors and what insertion point will work best for you.

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