Do you want to capture a man's heart? Are you tired of being alone and of spending Friday and Saturday nights with the girls? Romance, commitment and marriage sound pretty good, right? Well, you can make those things your own.
You can make him fall in love with you.
You can capture a man's heart.
Let us look into male psychology.
What makes men tick? What do they want? What do they look for in a woman? What attraction can you offer that will make a guy fall in love and make him commit to you for life? It is easy to attract men.
If you doubt the truth of that statement, just take your clothes off and stand on a street corner.
We are just kidding.
Do not do that.
We are just making the point that you can attract attention.
But you do not want that kind of attention.
You are looking for love; you want to capture a man's heart, not just his eyes.
So good dating advice will tell you to work on your personality.
You probably know women who are drop dead gorgeous, and they can not attract a man, or if they do, it is only temporary.
The fact is that good looks will not hold a mans affection if the personality behind the face is one that repels people rather than attracting them.
So what makes a great personality? Try these things - Show warm personal attention AND play hard to get.
Why do those 2 things work so well together? You want to show warm personal attention because that will let him know that you welcome his attention; that you want a relationship.
When you play hard to get, you are showing him that you are not needy.
Needy people are not attractive.
So, try to find the balance between those 2 things.
Here is how it works.
Suppose both of you are at a party.
Do not go over and talk to him right away.
That makes you look needy.
Continue to chat with your friends for awhile.
Then do go over and talk to him.
That shows that he is an important person to you.
But keep the conversation short.
Excuse yourself and go talk to someone else BEFORE he wants you to.
That way you are leaving him eager for more.
It is the same with the phone.
You can call or text him, but only once in awhile and be sure to keep it short.
This again shows that you are interested, but you are showing him that you have a life.
That is very attractive to men.
This is how you can capture a man's heart.
You can make him fall in love with you.
You can capture a man's heart.
Let us look into male psychology.
What makes men tick? What do they want? What do they look for in a woman? What attraction can you offer that will make a guy fall in love and make him commit to you for life? It is easy to attract men.
If you doubt the truth of that statement, just take your clothes off and stand on a street corner.
We are just kidding.
Do not do that.
We are just making the point that you can attract attention.
But you do not want that kind of attention.
You are looking for love; you want to capture a man's heart, not just his eyes.
So good dating advice will tell you to work on your personality.
You probably know women who are drop dead gorgeous, and they can not attract a man, or if they do, it is only temporary.
The fact is that good looks will not hold a mans affection if the personality behind the face is one that repels people rather than attracting them.
So what makes a great personality? Try these things - Show warm personal attention AND play hard to get.
Why do those 2 things work so well together? You want to show warm personal attention because that will let him know that you welcome his attention; that you want a relationship.
When you play hard to get, you are showing him that you are not needy.
Needy people are not attractive.
So, try to find the balance between those 2 things.
Here is how it works.
Suppose both of you are at a party.
Do not go over and talk to him right away.
That makes you look needy.
Continue to chat with your friends for awhile.
Then do go over and talk to him.
That shows that he is an important person to you.
But keep the conversation short.
Excuse yourself and go talk to someone else BEFORE he wants you to.
That way you are leaving him eager for more.
It is the same with the phone.
You can call or text him, but only once in awhile and be sure to keep it short.
This again shows that you are interested, but you are showing him that you have a life.
That is very attractive to men.
This is how you can capture a man's heart.