- 1). Gather the information you need to provide to a Marine Corps service locator. This includes the person's full name, military rank, last known address, last known assignment within the Marines, service number and Social Security number. Provide as much of this information as possible.
- 2). Decide whether you want to call or write a letter to locate the Marine. Writing a letter will take a minimum of four weeks to process.
- 3). Call the Marine Corps's worldwide locator and provide the information you gathered. The number is 703-784-3941. This office can provide you with an address for the service member.
- 4). Write a letter to the Marine Corps worldwide locator if you do not wish to call. Include all of the information that you can gather about the service member, as well as your full name and contact information. Address the envelope to:
Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps
Personnel Management Support Branch -- MMSB-17
2008 Elliot Rd.
Quantico, Virginia 22134 - 5). Utilize online resources if you hit a dead end with the Marine Corps worldwide locator. Websites like gisearch.com allow you to search for members of the Marine Corps using a name and nickname.