Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Top 10 Dating Tips For Men

Dating can be a daunting task for any single male, and it can be totally intimidating for the uninitiated. There are a lot of things that you have to look out for when you're out finding a girlfriend on a lonely weekend night, and some people miss the basic things that seal the deal for a successful date. Whether you are looking for advice on how to find the girl for you, or just looking for some general tips on dating for men, these simple rules will give you the things you need to make your date a memorable one.

1. Try to look your best

Do some exercise and eat a healthy diet. Get some contemporary clothes that fit you. Clean your shoes. Don't just grab the first shirt or pair of jeans that you find in your wardrobe. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it has to look somehow presentable. How you take care of yourself conveys how you can handle your date. Paying attention to your outward appearance may seem a little superficial and vain, but nothing tells a woman more of her date's personality than the way he handles himself.

2. Observe good hygiene

One of the worst things you could possibly do on a date is to turn up looking dirty and smelling bad. Remember that bad breath and body odor are always an instant turn off. Make the effort to at least take a bath and give yourself a proper shave, even when you think you don't need one or you don't have the time for it. Women appreciate it when their date always look clean and smell nice.

3. Be observant

Paying attention to many details in a crowded place will always help you in finding a girlfriend. Instead of just staring at women's cleavages, set your eyes upon the style of clothes a woman wears which could tell you a lot about her personality. The same could be said of body language which reflects how a woman feels towards you. Never miss a girl's attempt at eye-contact. Being observant of such signals can give you an advantage on how to find the girl for you.

4. Take action

Summoning up the courage to speak with her will go a long way. It could even lead to a fulfilling conversation. The worst that could happen is being ignored, which would be the same thing if you'd not spoken to her at all anyway.

5. Wit always trumps over pickup lines

Let's face it, pickup lines do not work in real life. Guys who resort to pickup lines come across as cheesy, boorish, and desperate. Captivate her with your wit and imagination by being original. Genuine sincerity is always preferred over rehearsed lines.

6. Handle yourself like a gentleman

If you're really keen on finding a girlfriend for yourself, it doesn't hurt to be polite. Holding out the door for your date, helping her to her seat, and generally being nice to everyone will impress her a lot. Women like to feel special, and nothing endears to your date more than treating her like a lady.

7. Listen to what she has to say

Being attentive to your date and to everything she tells you gives you the necessary information about her. This is the key on how to find the girl for you. Listen not only to what she says, but how she says it. A guy who's paying attention to the conversation at hand will always learn more about his date more than she ever tells. Furthermore, it will make your date think that you're interested in what she has to say, and will genuinely feel that she's truly appealing to you.

8. Don't be a bore

Nothing kills a date's mood faster than boring conversation. Think of questions you can ask your date, and of questions she might ask you. This way, when the conversation runs dry, you could always go back to the things you have thought beforehand and tell her accordingly what you think might be interesting. Once she's shared her stories, thank her for it then tell her a tale of your own, but be prompt and make it worth her while. If she presses for more details, then you know for sure that she's interested in what you have to say. You're well on your way to a very good conversation for the rest of the evening.

9. Be sensitive to her needs

A man who is knowledgeable about what is romance always keeps in mind that the best way to leave a lasting impression is to be in tune with a woman's thoughts and feelings. She would be more at ease and comfortable with a man who is aware of what women want and need.

10. Have fun

This one is the most important of all. Remember to relax, enjoy every moment as it comes. This will boost your confidence and draw people to you. It will also allow you to savor each experience and create lasting memories.
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