Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight Super-Fast

To lose weight super fast there are two general approaches you can follow.
In this article we'll discuss the two methods and which one is right for you.
The options you have are relatively simple.
They are calorie restriction and calorie spacing.
There are pros and cons of each and we'll go through all of those.
Calorie restriction is your standard, everyday diet.
The idea behind these diets is that if you eat less food you will lose weight.
These diets recommend removing fat from your diet.
You will usually eat foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, sparing amounts of meat products and lots of "low fat" products.
The benefit of this type of diet is that initial weight loss is fast.
However, there are major drawbacks.
Weight loss is almost always temporary.
Calorie restriction slows the metabolism, so your weight loss turns back into weight gain quite quickly.
Another issue is feeling hungry all the time.
Calorie spacing is slightly different.
Instead of reducing the number of calories you consume, this method involves eating the same number of calories spaced out during each day.
These diets recommend eating reasonable serves of protein with each meal and less "low fat" foods.
This diet is beneficial because you are consuming the same number of calories per day.
Therefore, you don't get hungry and your metabolism doesn't slow down (it is likely to speed up).
The drawback of this diet is that it can require a little advance planning because you are eating more regularly.
All in all, both diets will help you lose weight super fast.
The one you choose really depends on whether or not you want to keep the weight off long-term.
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