Health & Medical Lose Weight

The Truth About Low Fat Diets

Low fat dieting is basically the original thought process behind modern weight loss solutions.
You will need to be extra cautious when you are shopping for low fat products though, because of some of the tricky ways that companies market otherwise unhealthy items.
However, low fat and low carb diets tend to be mostly detrimental to overall good health.
A diet low in fat will often restrict or completely eliminate certain types of fats that are necessary for the good health of your digestive system, and low carb diets will sometimes create fatigue and low blood sugar levels.
Lower fat diets can be still be effective to some degree, but they can also have unfortunate health consequences for many people, such as inadequate vitamin absorption, digestion and regularity issues, anxiety and mood imbalances, insulin and blood sugar imbalances, and poor skin and nail health.
Fat is absolutely vital and good for you! A diet low in fat can also raise your triglycerides, which may possibly prove lethal.
Also, low fat, low cholesterol diets can be particularly unhealthy, especially for women.
Because all of their major hormones are made from cholesterol -- including estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, DHEA, and testosterone.
Low fat diets will be effective for obvious reasons, but if you take them too far then the body won't get the healthy fats it requires for good health.
Studies have also shown that too low of a fat intake will cause the body to greedily hold on to the fat it has in storage.
These kinds of diets that are high in fiber with foods like whole grains, legumes, and fresh produce can still offer health advantages for cholesterol control.
These particular foods are also lower on the glycemic index than other high glycemic foods lie white bread, pasta and white potatoes.
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