The combination of surgical Rhinoplasty, either primary or secondary, combined with fat injection to the nose has achieved superior results and excellent patient satisfaction. Fat transfer can be used to inject fat into various facial irregularities, defects, or deep facial lines, such as laugh lines, crease lines, or chin lines. Fat transfer has also been known to be used to inject fat around the mouth area, vertical lip lines, or into the lips themselves. Fat transfer is also highly successful when injected into a variety of nasal defects.
A patient is able to achieve permanent results by taking a small amount of fat and placing it into the nasal area. Sometimes one to three sittings are needed spaced three months apart to achieve the final end result but, when finished, the result is permanent, which is different than using a hyaluronic acid type material, such as Juvderm or Restylane, which give results that last about one year. Fat injections are slightly more costly than Juvderm or Restylane in the short term but is far cheaper in the long term. Fat cells under the skin of the nose appear to make the skin of the nose healthier, and in the case of revision Rhinoplasty, fat injections under the nose help the texture of the skin and help soften irregularities that show through the skin on previously operated noses and, therefore, can give high patient satisfaction.
By using the fat injection procedure on primary or secondary Rhinoplasties, one can improve the aesthetic result without actually doing further invasive surgical procedures to the nose. Some irregularities throughout the nose and tip area, especially those in patients who have had several nasal operations, can often be readily improved in an office setting without surgical intervention using the fat transfer technique with a small gauge needle with minimal patient discomfort. The fat is injected into the nasal tip, the dorsum, or the sides of the nose resulting in a improved surgical result with very minimal downtime to the patient and an extremely fast recovery. The nose, nasal dorsum, or tip can be revised substantially and improved tremendously by fat injection.
Therefore, in summary, the combination of fat injections with surgical Rhinoplasty and/or fat transfer alone to nasal defects can significantly improve patient surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction significantly.
A patient is able to achieve permanent results by taking a small amount of fat and placing it into the nasal area. Sometimes one to three sittings are needed spaced three months apart to achieve the final end result but, when finished, the result is permanent, which is different than using a hyaluronic acid type material, such as Juvderm or Restylane, which give results that last about one year. Fat injections are slightly more costly than Juvderm or Restylane in the short term but is far cheaper in the long term. Fat cells under the skin of the nose appear to make the skin of the nose healthier, and in the case of revision Rhinoplasty, fat injections under the nose help the texture of the skin and help soften irregularities that show through the skin on previously operated noses and, therefore, can give high patient satisfaction.
By using the fat injection procedure on primary or secondary Rhinoplasties, one can improve the aesthetic result without actually doing further invasive surgical procedures to the nose. Some irregularities throughout the nose and tip area, especially those in patients who have had several nasal operations, can often be readily improved in an office setting without surgical intervention using the fat transfer technique with a small gauge needle with minimal patient discomfort. The fat is injected into the nasal tip, the dorsum, or the sides of the nose resulting in a improved surgical result with very minimal downtime to the patient and an extremely fast recovery. The nose, nasal dorsum, or tip can be revised substantially and improved tremendously by fat injection.
Therefore, in summary, the combination of fat injections with surgical Rhinoplasty and/or fat transfer alone to nasal defects can significantly improve patient surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction significantly.