Health & Medical Lose Weight

Are Nutritional supplements really necessary?

Are nutritional supplements really necessary?

For Perfect Health You Need 100+ Nutrients Everyday
It has been scientifically established that in order for our bodies to function optimally we need a variety of macro and micro nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, pro-biotics all work together to power the trillions of functions that our cells carry out everyday. All of these nutrients and the ones we haven't yet discovered are available to us in whole, real foods provided by Mother Nature.

Scientific Studies
There are still doctors that say we can get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat, in spite of the many studies that have shown that nutritional deficiencies are widespread among the American population. It is well known that the soils used in commercial farming are grossly deficient in many key nutrients. In spite of the excessive amount of calories that most people eat, 90 % are lacking key minerals like calcium and magnesium and vitamins, A, B, C, D and E.

There have also been studies that have shown no benefits from taking supplements and some that have shown benefits. This is because there are many factors that determines the outcome of any study. First of all, there are no truly un-biased studies, no researcher can be completely objective, and we all have built in biases. You also have to check who funded the study and what their agenda is. Then it's important to know to know what type of supplements were used and what quantities were used. Many of the negative studies used synthetic vitamins which will not get the same results that whole food vitamins will. And of course human error and misinterpretation are always a possibility.

So we always have to study the studies and draw our own conclusions. It is my conclusion that unless you have your own organic garden and make your own meals, you are not even coming close to getting what your body needs.

I feel most people can benefit from nutritional supplementation.
Keep in mind however, supplements are just supplements, they are no substitute for eating a healthy organic diet. The body requires the fiber and bulk present from eating real foods, in order to function optimally. So what supplements are best? Do you think the drug store one a day is sufficient?

Your Nutritional Supplements may be Killing You!
The one a day is a synthetic, low potency pill with a very low absorption rate that is pretty much a waste of money. High potency synthetic supplements (vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants etc.) found in the health food store or from the latest multi-level company, can be causing you more problems than they solve. These products may be called natural, because they include a few natural substances, however any formula with high potencies must be synthetic, as they do not occur in natural sources. These synthetic versions of nutrients (called isolates) are not the complete nutrient as found in whole foods. They are poorly absorbed and excesses must be excreted putting an overload on the liver and kidneys. Other major problems are the residues of poisonous solvents, binders and chemicals used in the manufacturing processes, as well as the herbicides and pesticides in the raw materials. These contaminants can build up toxicity in your system and create serious long-term side effects. They are really no different than taking prescription drugs. You may have experienced some immediate benefits from your high potency products, however this usually only occurs when someone is seriously depleted in a certain nutrient. In my opinion, the toxicity these isolates create in the body is not worth the potential short-term benefits. And if we look at the big picture, many of us have been taking truckloads of supplements throughout the years (including myself) with very little long-term results. It seems obvious that if all these highly publicized products were really working we would have a much healthier society

Organic Whole Food Supplements to the Rescue
Supplementation with whole food concentrate can help give us the nutrients we need to create a strong, healthy, long lasting body. Fortunately there are some good sources of organic whole food supplements available today. You can locate them online or line contact me for my recommendations.

Rico Caveglia is owner of Lifetime Fitness, a health, fitness & longevity consulting company in San Diego. He is a life coach, certified personal trainer, nutritionist, award winning author, speaker, seminar leader and creator of the Ageless Living Lifestyle. He can be reached at 858-274-0118 or, http://www.AgelessLivingLifestyle.comhttp://www.healthyfastfoodrecipesplan.com
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