Health & Medical Body building

8 Kinds of Saturated Fats You Can Eat and Still Get Ripped Abs

How can you possibly eat saturated fats and still get ripped abs? First, you shouldn't listen when someone tells you it's bad to have fat in your diet.
We have to have fat, it is an essential nutrient .
The type of fat you need to eliminate is the fat in processed foods.
They are unhealthy and cause a lot of diseases and health problems.
On the other hand, healthy fats help with the production of hormones and muscle building.
There's enough reasons for someone wanting ribbed abs to eat the healthy saturated fats and not sweat it.
Fats, as well as proteins and carbs need to be a part of your daily diet.
You can't do without any of them.
Find out what type of fats you should be eating to build a lean and healthy body.
Healthy fats list: Dark chocolate that is bittersweet - This type of chocolate has the most antioxidants and consists of healthy, natural fats.
The dark bittersweet kind that contains 70% or so cocoa is preferred over the milk or dark chocolates that contain 30 - 55% cocoa.
You get a lot less sugar, corn sweeteners and milk fat with the 70% variety.
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be conscious of the calories and limit the quantity you consume! Avocados and guacamole - You get mono and polyunsaturated fats with avocados, as well as saturated.
Avocados are a natural nutrient rich source of fiber and have the added benefit of adding good flavor to your food.
Guacamole is a popular use of avocados as well as just slicing them and adding them to your favorite sandwich.
Coconut fat - Has the type of fat that boosts your immune system.
It's about 92% saturated fat.
It doesn't stick it you as it burns up as energy.
Good sources of coconut fat are virgin coconut oil, organic coconut milk and fresh coconut.
Coconut oil is much preferred over those containing unhealthy free radicals, like those in polyunsaturated oils.
Fish high in fat - trout, mackerel, sardines, herring and wild salmon are some of the best sources of omega-3 fats.
Most of us need to include more of the omega-3 oils in our diet.
People tend to eat a lot more of the omega-6 oils which causes an unhealthy balance.
Those are soybean oil, safflower oil, corn oil and the like.
This causes a lot of health problems today.
Extra virgin olive oil - This type of oil has the most antioxidants.
A lot of the oils at the grocery have industrial solvent materials in them and are not healthy, to say the least.
Watch out for the highly processed soybean oils.
Virgin olive oils are your best choice and you can replace commercial salad dressings making a dressing out of olive oil and vinegar.
Nuts - Nuts are rich in healthy nutrients.
Eat some every day to enjoy the healthy benefits nuts provide, just avoid the ones cooked in oil.
Almonds, macadamia nuts and cashews are good sources of monounsaturated fats.
You'll find healthy omega-3 fat in walnuts.
Seeds- Seeds are another healthy, natural source of fats that aren't processed.
Flax seeds have a high omega-3 content.
It is healthiest to grind flax seed yourself and it is not considered safe to cook with.
Meats - Good news for you meat lovers.
People have used meat as a staple for thousands of years and it has a lot of benefits if it comes from healthy animals.
Healthy animals are organically raised and are free range.
These are the ones you should get your dairy and eggs from also.
Look to get the healthy balance you need with healthy fat choices, proteins and carbohydrates you need from the right sources.
Choose your saturated fats wisely and they may even help you get those ripped abs!
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