Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Lose Body Fat Without Exercising - Starting From Today

So 2009 is here and the new year's resolutions are in.
Is your resolution to lose some weight? Then you've come to the right place.
In this article I'm going to make your resolution become easier by showing you how to lose body fat without exercising.
Most people at this time of the year will join their local gym or renew their membership.
The month of January is the most busiest time of the year for the gyms.
And that's down to the majority of people choosing to lose weight as their resolution.
But what most people don't realise is that there really is no need to join a gym, or do any exercising at all.
Studies show that most people are active during the day, so as long as you eat the right foods you'll lose weight.
It really is that simple.
Now don't get me wrong.
Exercising will probably speed up the whole process and will make you a lot more healthy in the long run.
But if you have an active lifestyle already, and you eat the right foods at the right times - then you will lose your body fat.
So what do I mean by eating the right foods at the right times? Well you've all heard of the phrase 'little but often' right? Well that means you have 4 small meals a day at certain time intervals.
That in itself will help you lose your body fat and will give you a lot more energy.
You're probably wondering what foods are the right foods? Well I can't help you with that.
It would be better to seek advise from a dietitian.
I've been though the whole dieting thing for a few years now.
But I still don't have the expertise needed to give advise out.
Instead, you need to seek advise from a dietitian or buy yourself a diet plan from reputable companies.
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