- 1). Go to the Google Sites page; the new service is located at "sites.google.com." If you are not already logged into your Google account you will be prompted to do so now
- 2). Select the web page that you want to update from the list of your sites; you can also create a new site from the main Sites page by clicking the "Create New Site" button. Once you've selected your site you'll be taken to your page in a new tab.
- 3). Click the "Edit Page" button in the upper right corner to open the Sites editor. If you want to edit a sub-page, click the link to that page, and then click the "Edit Page" button.
- 4). Make any changes. There will be a text box at the top of the page where you can edit the page title, and a main text box where you can edit the body of the page. Depending on what template your page is, you may have other options -- for instance, a List page will give you options for adding items to your list. Click "Save" in the upper left corner when your changes are complete.
- 5). Click the "Edit Sidebar" link at the bottom of the sidebar to make changes to your navigation structure and widgets. There are a handful of items available for your sidebar, including text, navigation, AdSense, and a countdown widget. You can rearrange elements by clicking and dragging them up or down on the sidebar. Click "Save Changes" in the upper left section of the window.
- 6). Change page settings by going to the page you want to manage in your browser, clicking "More Actions" in the upper right corner, and selecting "Page Settings." You can show or hide the title, links, attachments, and comments.
- 7). Change the template for your page by going "More Actions > Change Page Template." Default Sites templates include Web Page, Announcements, File Cabinet, and List. Select one and click "Change Page Template."
- 8). Manage the overall site settings by going "More Actions > Manage Site." From here you can overview the changes made to the site -- useful if you have more than one webmaster -- create a new web page template, create app scripts for your web site, manage the title and description of your website, and change the layout.