To determine a site's quality, worth or value or excellence, a fantastic quality indicator is your bounce rate, the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the visitor entered and "bounce" or exits the page from which they came without viewing any other pages within the same site.
Basically, according to SEO company experts, bounce rate is said to represent the most basic expression of your visitor's dissatisfaction to your site, as a high bounce rate generally indicates that users leave your website without viewing any additional pages as they don't find your pages relevant or quite as compelling.
So, keeping track of your bounce rate is very important as, according to experts in SEO, this will help you determine which pages are working for you. And once you know your bounce rate is high, you should do things to make it lower.
Here are some SEO tips on how to have lower bounce rate
Have a Responsive Design
This means making use of techniques, such as CSS media queries, to rearrange and scale content based on screen resolution. Also, make sure to use high-resolution images and stylesheets for retina display as this will greatly improve image sharpness and fidelity, thus making your site much easier to see on a small screen on devices supporting retina display technology. By having a responsive design, this will make sure that your site is easily accessible on a wide number of devices.
Simple Navigation
Your site's navigation should be prominent, clear and easily accessible. You can consider repeating sidebar or top links in the footer. Make sure that you have a large enough for use at small resolutions click targets for menus. Do not use drop-down menus or provide alternatives, since these are inaccessible on touch devices.
For sites with large amount of content, consider including search functionality and a site map. This would help your visitors easily find the information they're looking for.
Fast Loading Time
As by nature, most people are impatient, so your site's pages take a long time to appear, your visitor might get bored and incited neither to continue, nor to return. If you let the average user wait longer than 10 seconds for most elements of your page to load, this will make them either assume something is wrong with the site, or simply get impatient and leave. So, make sure to have a fast loading time as having this will not only improve your site's performance including bounce rate but it will also improve how Google sees your website along with other factors as well. One of the signals Google uses to determine your Search Engine ranking is site loading.
Quality Website Content
This means that your content should be useful, relevant, interesting and what your targeted audience wants as well as provide the information and services that were promised in the ad copy. Not only do search engines look for high-quality contents, but also internet users. In the first place, users click your site as they deem that your site have something they want as what is indicated in the keyword that you are ranking for on SERPs. So, if your content doesn't deliver and mirror what is being promised, then you're going to lose your visitors as they usually don't have time to search your site over and over.
Basically, according to SEO company experts, bounce rate is said to represent the most basic expression of your visitor's dissatisfaction to your site, as a high bounce rate generally indicates that users leave your website without viewing any additional pages as they don't find your pages relevant or quite as compelling.
So, keeping track of your bounce rate is very important as, according to experts in SEO, this will help you determine which pages are working for you. And once you know your bounce rate is high, you should do things to make it lower.
Here are some SEO tips on how to have lower bounce rate
Have a Responsive Design
This means making use of techniques, such as CSS media queries, to rearrange and scale content based on screen resolution. Also, make sure to use high-resolution images and stylesheets for retina display as this will greatly improve image sharpness and fidelity, thus making your site much easier to see on a small screen on devices supporting retina display technology. By having a responsive design, this will make sure that your site is easily accessible on a wide number of devices.
Simple Navigation
Your site's navigation should be prominent, clear and easily accessible. You can consider repeating sidebar or top links in the footer. Make sure that you have a large enough for use at small resolutions click targets for menus. Do not use drop-down menus or provide alternatives, since these are inaccessible on touch devices.
For sites with large amount of content, consider including search functionality and a site map. This would help your visitors easily find the information they're looking for.
Fast Loading Time
As by nature, most people are impatient, so your site's pages take a long time to appear, your visitor might get bored and incited neither to continue, nor to return. If you let the average user wait longer than 10 seconds for most elements of your page to load, this will make them either assume something is wrong with the site, or simply get impatient and leave. So, make sure to have a fast loading time as having this will not only improve your site's performance including bounce rate but it will also improve how Google sees your website along with other factors as well. One of the signals Google uses to determine your Search Engine ranking is site loading.
Quality Website Content
This means that your content should be useful, relevant, interesting and what your targeted audience wants as well as provide the information and services that were promised in the ad copy. Not only do search engines look for high-quality contents, but also internet users. In the first place, users click your site as they deem that your site have something they want as what is indicated in the keyword that you are ranking for on SERPs. So, if your content doesn't deliver and mirror what is being promised, then you're going to lose your visitors as they usually don't have time to search your site over and over.