Technology Networking & Internet

Tumblr HTML Font Guide

    Font Size

    • There are two methods for changing the size of your font: the "<big>" or "<small>" tags, or by using the heading tags, "<h1>" through "<h6>," with H1 being the largest heading size. For a large heading, you can use "<h1>Large Heading</h1>." If you simply want to create larger text, you can use "<big>Big</big>;" the big tag can be nested to create larger text, i.e.: "<big><big><big>Excessively Large Text</big></big></big>." The same can be done with the small tag: "<small><small>Rather Small Text</small></small>."

    Font Emphasis

    • To create bold text, you can use either "<b>Bolded Text</b>" or "<strong>Bolded Text</strong>." Italics use either "<i>Italics</i>" or "<em>Italics</em>." To create text with an underline, use "<u>Underlined</u>," though hyperlinks are often underlined by default.

    Other Font Modifications

    • Create a hyperlink with "<a href="/links/?u=">Link Text</a>." Strike-through text can be created with "<s>Stricken</s>." To create superscript use "<sup>Superscript</sup>" and "<sub>Subcript</sub>" subcript.

    Paragraph Code

    • Create a new paragraph by beginning the paragraph with "<p>" and ending it with "</p>," for example: "<p>This is an extremely short paragraph</p>." You can create a line break, which skips to the next line without creating a space, with "<br />." To put text in an indented quote, start the quote with "<blockquote>Text worth quoting</blockquote>."


    • You can create a list using either the ordered list tag ("<ol>," which creates a number before each list item, or unordered list ("<ul>," which creates a bullet for each item. Each item on the list should start with "<li>" and end "</li>" and your list should end with either "</ol>" or "</ul>." A basic example list would be: "<ol><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ol>."

    Unsupported HTML

    • Tumblr strips the "<font>" code, including changes to the color, font face or size. You cannot add any DIV blocks for text. Code as CSS to the paragraph tag, such as <p style="font-size: 20px; color: #FFCCFF">", will be removed and render default text in its place. CSS added to "<span>" tag, <span style="font-size: 20px; color: #FFCCFF;">, will display properly in the rich text editor, but will not display on the dashboard and may not work on your layout.

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