- There are two methods for changing the size of your font: the "<big>" or "<small>" tags, or by using the heading tags, "<h1>" through "<h6>," with H1 being the largest heading size. For a large heading, you can use "<h1>Large Heading</h1>." If you simply want to create larger text, you can use "<big>Big</big>;" the big tag can be nested to create larger text, i.e.: "<big><big><big>Excessively Large Text</big></big></big>." The same can be done with the small tag: "<small><small>Rather Small Text</small></small>."
- To create bold text, you can use either "<b>Bolded Text</b>" or "<strong>Bolded Text</strong>." Italics use either "<i>Italics</i>" or "<em>Italics</em>." To create text with an underline, use "<u>Underlined</u>," though hyperlinks are often underlined by default.
- Create a hyperlink with "<a href="/links/?u=http://www.domain.com">Link Text</a>." Strike-through text can be created with "<s>Stricken</s>." To create superscript use "<sup>Superscript</sup>" and "<sub>Subcript</sub>" subcript.
- Create a new paragraph by beginning the paragraph with "<p>" and ending it with "</p>," for example: "<p>This is an extremely short paragraph</p>." You can create a line break, which skips to the next line without creating a space, with "<br />." To put text in an indented quote, start the quote with "<blockquote>Text worth quoting</blockquote>."
- You can create a list using either the ordered list tag ("<ol>," which creates a number before each list item, or unordered list ("<ul>," which creates a bullet for each item. Each item on the list should start with "<li>" and end "</li>" and your list should end with either "</ol>" or "</ul>." A basic example list would be: "<ol><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ol>."
- Tumblr strips the "<font>" code, including changes to the color, font face or size. You cannot add any DIV blocks for text. Code as CSS to the paragraph tag, such as <p style="font-size: 20px; color: #FFCCFF">", will be removed and render default text in its place. CSS added to "<span>" tag, <span style="font-size: 20px; color: #FFCCFF;">, will display properly in the rich text editor, but will not display on the dashboard and may not work on your layout.
Font Size
Font Emphasis
Other Font Modifications
Paragraph Code
Unsupported HTML