- 1). Ask your relative's permission before uploading a picture. If the relative is older or does not use the Internet much, he many not like the idea of a picture of himself being put online.
- 2). Log into your Facebook account and navigate to your profile.
- 3). Click the "Photos" link on the left side of your profile.
- 4). Click the album that you wish to put the photo into, then click "Add Photos" at the upper right corner of the album.
If you wish to create a new album, click the "+ Upload Photos" button at the upper right of your main Photos page. - 5). Click "Select Photos" in the popup window and choose the picture that you want to upload from your computer's hard drive.
- 6). Click "Open" once you have selected the photo and wait for it to upload. If you are creating a new album, you can name it at this time.
- 7). Enter a title and description for the photo. If your relative is on Facebook, tag him if desired.