Contents of the overall site are the major issues for the SEO. We all know that search engines can not search through extras like pictures or images, noise or sound clips, animations, JavaScript etc. but the leading search engine Google announced a few days ago that their search engine now can search with images and few other options what can not use earlier but its has many restrictions. So you have to search with the old way that means you have to give some text to the search engine then it can search the WebPages related with that text.
This is the only way what has been using for the last 10 years and if any invention does not occur like miracle you have to use this process for many years. So using Meta tag is the only option to search your wanted pages. So before getting the ultimate invention to search by images or sounds Meta tag is the only option to search your desired pages.
Images of the Content Makes Complex for SEO
You can think why you need images but they are one of the essential parts of any type of web pages and if you know website design clearly then you can see that they are not like extras images are one of the fixed items for most of the websites. But there is huge difference with designing and searching. Search engine don't understand the information of an image and they can not use it.
So when you design a website you must have to explain your image information with some text for what search engines can find your website but this is not easy as described because building balance between art and SEO is so hard and your website will not be found by a search engine if you don't use the correct meta tag or texts to search it.
But don't think that we want you to skip images for your website. Now search by images is not possible and the result will not be what you really want. So you can use animations instead of images to decorate your website or you can use shinny fonts of text with exceptional designs to do that.
You can use the tag with attribute and that will provide an output of significant description of that image. This is need for search engine not for the HTML code. This will not oppose you to give beautiful name with your images instead of giving imageA.jpg or imageB.jpg etc. and the images will be informative than ever with a meaningful name tha . You have to conscious about writing tags if the images are 2 pixel don't write 15 words tags, write tags matching with the images properties what will work as a keyword to search the write webpage or image.
Animation and Movies of the Contents Make Search More Complicated
Animations and movies are also like the images good for designing a website and making it attractive but they are not liked by any search engine. You can easily find many websites who have animations starting of their websites. The animations are really made the websites attractive but it will really make problem with the search engine and for those your website can lose its position on the search engine.
If you use flash for telling a story instead of writing search engine will skip your webpage to find that description. If you want to use the animation with HTML tags for making search engine friendly you have to give up the original flash movie to use for indexing and if you don't do like that you can have authorization problem for that. But doing that is not an easy job and to do that you must have to be an expert or need help of an expert.
We all know that the new technology of Google does not have sufficient stamina to work correctly on every flash animation or move what is .swf format; they told that they upgrading this technology and they will make the upgrade version more effective and efficient than this one and till then we have to wait and use this Meta tag system to search any webpage.
Frames of the Web Contents are not counted by the Search Engine
Frames are one of the disturbing elements what affect the search engine to search on the webpage which contains frames. Frames are so popular and effectively used by the designers but for the last 5-10 years designers are reducing the use of frames in their websites to make these websites more SEO friendly.
Search engine can not recognize the correct frame because every frame of a webpage has the same URL and for a search engine it is quite impossible to separate 4 or 5 pages with having a single URL. After all of these if you still want to use frames you have to give meaningful description in the tag named of your website.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>This is not easy for a starter but if you really want to know then this <noframes> tag is just a small description to get this by search engine and it will also help the browser to browse your website if that browser does not support frames. But to do that you must have to know how to use that.</p> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>JavaScript is Always Skipped by Search Engine</strong></p> <p><br /></p> <p>JavaScript is also another obstacle for search engine optimization. You know that with HTML you just can design a webpage but if you want to make your website more attractive, functional and dynamic you have to use some dynamic languages like JavaScript or PHP.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>The popular search engines of this time just ignore JavaScript without any cause so when you going to design a website make sure that if you use any link within the JavaScript code, that must have to close inside the code can not be spread.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>But if the JavaScript code within the HTML code without having an extra .js file the search engine will skip that page and go to the other pages what do not contain any JavaScript code. You can use the <noscript> tag what can give you the facility to run in a browser but this is more complicated for a beginner and difficult to explain that by a few lines.</p> <p><br /></p>
This is the only way what has been using for the last 10 years and if any invention does not occur like miracle you have to use this process for many years. So using Meta tag is the only option to search your wanted pages. So before getting the ultimate invention to search by images or sounds Meta tag is the only option to search your desired pages.
Images of the Content Makes Complex for SEO
You can think why you need images but they are one of the essential parts of any type of web pages and if you know website design clearly then you can see that they are not like extras images are one of the fixed items for most of the websites. But there is huge difference with designing and searching. Search engine don't understand the information of an image and they can not use it.
So when you design a website you must have to explain your image information with some text for what search engines can find your website but this is not easy as described because building balance between art and SEO is so hard and your website will not be found by a search engine if you don't use the correct meta tag or texts to search it.
But don't think that we want you to skip images for your website. Now search by images is not possible and the result will not be what you really want. So you can use animations instead of images to decorate your website or you can use shinny fonts of text with exceptional designs to do that.
You can use the tag with attribute and that will provide an output of significant description of that image. This is need for search engine not for the HTML code. This will not oppose you to give beautiful name with your images instead of giving imageA.jpg or imageB.jpg etc. and the images will be informative than ever with a meaningful name tha . You have to conscious about writing tags if the images are 2 pixel don't write 15 words tags, write tags matching with the images properties what will work as a keyword to search the write webpage or image.
Animation and Movies of the Contents Make Search More Complicated
Animations and movies are also like the images good for designing a website and making it attractive but they are not liked by any search engine. You can easily find many websites who have animations starting of their websites. The animations are really made the websites attractive but it will really make problem with the search engine and for those your website can lose its position on the search engine.
If you use flash for telling a story instead of writing search engine will skip your webpage to find that description. If you want to use the animation with HTML tags for making search engine friendly you have to give up the original flash movie to use for indexing and if you don't do like that you can have authorization problem for that. But doing that is not an easy job and to do that you must have to be an expert or need help of an expert.
We all know that the new technology of Google does not have sufficient stamina to work correctly on every flash animation or move what is .swf format; they told that they upgrading this technology and they will make the upgrade version more effective and efficient than this one and till then we have to wait and use this Meta tag system to search any webpage.
Frames of the Web Contents are not counted by the Search Engine
Frames are one of the disturbing elements what affect the search engine to search on the webpage which contains frames. Frames are so popular and effectively used by the designers but for the last 5-10 years designers are reducing the use of frames in their websites to make these websites more SEO friendly.
Search engine can not recognize the correct frame because every frame of a webpage has the same URL and for a search engine it is quite impossible to separate 4 or 5 pages with having a single URL. After all of these if you still want to use frames you have to give meaningful description in the tag named of your website.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>This is not easy for a starter but if you really want to know then this <noframes> tag is just a small description to get this by search engine and it will also help the browser to browse your website if that browser does not support frames. But to do that you must have to know how to use that.</p> <p><br /></p> <p><strong>JavaScript is Always Skipped by Search Engine</strong></p> <p><br /></p> <p>JavaScript is also another obstacle for search engine optimization. You know that with HTML you just can design a webpage but if you want to make your website more attractive, functional and dynamic you have to use some dynamic languages like JavaScript or PHP.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>The popular search engines of this time just ignore JavaScript without any cause so when you going to design a website make sure that if you use any link within the JavaScript code, that must have to close inside the code can not be spread.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>But if the JavaScript code within the HTML code without having an extra .js file the search engine will skip that page and go to the other pages what do not contain any JavaScript code. You can use the <noscript> tag what can give you the facility to run in a browser but this is more complicated for a beginner and difficult to explain that by a few lines.</p> <p><br /></p>