Health & Medical Healthy Living

Functions of Carbohydrates in the Body


    • The human body relies on three macronutrients for survival: protein, fat and carbohydrates. Out of the three, carb intake should make up 45 to 65 percent of the diet. This high intake is no accident; carbohydrates are the driving force behind the brain and the rest of the central nervous system.


    • When eaten, carbs are converted to glucose, which is the body's main fuel source. Glucose is then used immediately or stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. The body then taps into these glycogen stores when in need of energy.
      One of the key components of carbs is fiber. Getting the right amount of fiber in the diet helps to eliminate toxins and impurities from the body, making carbs valuable to the digestive system. According to the American Dietetic Association, fiber intake should range around 30 to 38g per day for men and 21 to 25g per day for women.


    • There are two types of carbohydrates---simple carbs and complex carbs---that have two specific uses. Simple carbs are made up of one or two sugar molecules that the body can break down easily. These types of carbs are used for quick energy and are found in the form of fructose from fruit and sucrose from regular table sugar. Some examples of foods containing bad simple carbs would be processed foods and beverages that are high in sugar and low in fiber. Good simple carb choices include apples, berries, melons and oranges.
      Complex carbs, on the other hand, have a more complicated chemical structure consisting of many sugar molecules. Complex carbs are broken down by the body at a slower pace. Examples of complex carbs include whole grains, legumes, certain fruits, vegetables and brown rice.

    Carbs and Sports

    • Carbs play a very important role in athletics, especially in events lasting long periods of time like marathons and other distance races. Having a good supply of energy before, during and immediately after the competition is important. This process has three specific phases: carb loading, carb depletion and carb repletion. Carb loading takes place during the days before the event where an overabundance of carbs is ingested to make sure stores are filled to capacity to supply the body with plenty of energy. Carb depletion takes place during the event, when stored glycogen has been used up and the body starts to lose energy. This is sometimes called bonking or hitting the wall. During the event, sports drinks, gels and fruits can be eaten to help augment this process. This is actually the start of carb repletion, which takes place from the middle of the event to immediately afterward. The main purpose of carb repletion is to restore glycogen levels back to or at least close to normal levels.
      Carb depletion is inevitable. So if the carb loading and repletion phases are followed, the body will perform optimally and recover quickly for the next training period.


    • A few schools of thought are involved with carbohydrate intake, with three different outcomes of each. First, there is the low-carb theory. Low-carb intake was originally intended for diabetics to slow the pace of blood sugar release in the system. Over the years, low-carb intake has turned into a weight-loss phenomenon. Although there have been great results from this type of dieting, it has been known to create only fast results and to be tough to stick with for a long time. That being said, many people have done it for a while, lost a lot of weight, then gained back everything, plus more. To add insult to injury, a lack of adequate carbs in the body can cause fatigue, poor mental acuity and compromised endurance.
      The second approach to ingesting carbs is the balanced plan: eating the recommended amount of carbs for daily functioning. Good blood sugar levels, heightened brain function and sustained energy levels are common bodily reactions. Eating the right amount of carbs can also give the body the needed amount of fiber, which can help reduce cholesterol and lower the risks for heart disease and cancer.
      Eating an excess of carbs causes weight gain. Whatever the body can't use immediately or whatever amount isn't stored in the liver and muscles will be stored as fat.


    • When it comes to carbs and the body, the best approach is a commonsense one. Simple carbs that can cause bodily discomfort should be limited. All carbs are not created equal. Monitor what kinds are being eaten and what effect they have on your body. For example, eating cookies, cakes and candy bars might taste good and offer quick energy, but they are also high in sugar and have a tendency to cause fluctuations in energy levels. The best approach always is to eat carbs that are in as close to their natural state as possible.

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