Health & Medical: Tips to Preparing Raw Foods on a Busy Schedule

Tips to Preparing Raw Foods on a Busy Schedule

A busy schedule keeps even the best of us from eating healthy. If you want to eat more raw foods, such as fruits, vegetables and prepared raw food meals, follow these tips to move you from intention to decision.

Health & Medical: Steel Cut Oats and the Glycemic Index

Steel Cut Oats and the Glycemic Index

Steel cut oats not only provide many nutrients beneficial to one's body, there's also another reason that they can aid in fat loss and general improvement in body composition.Enter the glycemic index.

Health & Medical: Contemplating the Bread Glycemic Index

Contemplating the Bread Glycemic Index

Let's take little bit of an in-depth look at bread with regards to the glycemic index, because some are definitely better than others. Certain kinds of bread are ranked pretty high in the bread glycemic index. This signifies that our bodies process them rapidly and that they are subsequently co

Health & Medical: Best Vegan Cookbooks Of 2011

Best Vegan Cookbooks Of 2011

There are a number of reasons to eat a vegan diet: smaller eco footprint, numerous health benefits, compassion for factory animals, and easier on the wallet. But in order to stay vegan, the food must ...

Health & Medical: Bodybuilder Protein - 3 Great Food Sources

Bodybuilder Protein - 3 Great Food Sources

All athletes, including bodybuilders, need an appropriate diet that meets the needs of a strict training regime. For a bodybuilder protein is an essential nutrient that must be consumed in the right amounts.

Health & Medical: Do You Want a Quick Fix?

Do You Want a Quick Fix?

So let's see how the consumer society works when it comes to weight loss or health. How with clever marketing big supplement companies pull us into buying things that is not working or good for us.

Health & Medical: Big, Beautiful Berries (And They Are Healthy Too)

Big, Beautiful Berries (And They Are Healthy Too)

The little berry packs a big punch, but you need to know a few things to make sure you are being safe while getting all the good nutrition. Learn about local fruit, pesticides and diabetes.

Health & Medical: How To Choose The Best Fruit Juicer

How To Choose The Best Fruit Juicer

What are the basics of fruit juicers? If you know them, you can better get the best model for you. Juicers first came on the scene in 1930, when Dr. Norman Walker invented the first one. He must have partaken in juicing himself, as he lived to be 108 years old.

Health & Medical: Reasons to Use an Under Sink Water System Dispenser

Reasons to Use an Under Sink Water System Dispenser

When you are trying to make your water (H2O) cleaner you know that you are going to confront many different things. Some of them are ones that you might not have thought about such as having chemicals, bacteria, or other types of items inside of the H2O, but one of the challenges that you could end

Health & Medical: Manufacturers Need to Create More With Functional Foods

Manufacturers Need to Create More With Functional Foods

I had a meeting the other day with an Ice Cream Executive. We were talking about marketing and what to do with today's foods. He has an Ice Cream Store and he is best friends with a guy that owns a Jamba Juice. He said that Jamba Juice is the fastest Up and Coming in the US market because they

Health & Medical: Ginger Extract and Side Effects

Ginger Extract and Side Effects

There can be a few side effects associated with ginger extract that could be good for more people to know about. Ginger has been known as to assist with healing for thousands of years and ...

Health & Medical: The Different Types of Colon Cleansing Formula

The Different Types of Colon Cleansing Formula

If a person is experiencing some stomach problems and seemed that the energy level has decreased then colon cleansing formula is what that person would need. Colon cleansing is a procedure that&#0

Health & Medical: Which Vitamins You Should Take For Stress?

Which Vitamins You Should Take For Stress?

We all experience stress once in a while. What nutrients and vitamins can help us cope with stress more easily? Where can we get these nutrients and vitamins?

Health & Medical: The Cornerstone of Good Health is Fruits and Veggies

The Cornerstone of Good Health is Fruits and Veggies

Whole food based nutrition that comes from a variety of fruits and vegetables is the best type of supplement you can take. If you are consuming supplements that are single or multiple vitamins, you are missing the hundreds of nutrients that exist in the whole food fruits and vegetables.

Health & Medical: Researches About Spinosad

Researches About Spinosad

Spinosad is novel macrolide antibiotic, but often the opposite of macrolide antibiotics, spinosad has no inhibitory activity, but have insecticidal activity.

Health & Medical: Food Dyes - The Color of Bias

Food Dyes - The Color of Bias

Earlier this year, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) published a rather scathing review of synthetic food dyes. While the paper has garnered much interest in popular media, the conclusions presented by CSPI are simply not not supported by their referenced documents. Going back to

Health & Medical: The Importance of Good Nutrition...Continued

The Importance of Good Nutrition...Continued

Continuing with just how important good nutrition is for the very Life of the human being. Again The Basic Nutrients 1. carbohydrates 4. minerals 2. Fats 5. vitamins 3. Proteins 6. Water While carbohydrates,proteins and ...