Health & Medical Nutrition

Tips to Preparing Raw Foods on a Busy Schedule

With such a crazy work week health conscious eaters and raw food dieters often need to prepare raw foods in the simplest way possible.
The week brings with it long nights, emotional days and even unexpected and often rushed business trips.
To better handle this, many people frame their meals for the week to include a variety of green salads, fruit smoothies, nut meats and simple sauces and condiments such as guacamole.
Here's a routine for the week to help you make the most of your time preparing foods: 1.
Make your juices in large batches
They won't be as fresh as fresh can be, but they still have enough nutrients to do your body good.
You can make 3 days worth of juice in one batch and save yourself some time, and sanity, during the chaos.
Start with simple recipes to get you started (you can double or triple the portions if need) such as apple juice, carrot juice or blended smoothies.
Set up all of your snacks in advance.
We all love to snack, and this is where we usually get into trouble.
Use zip lock bags or "lock and lock" containers and pack up single sized portions.
Snacks that keep well are sunflower seeds, medjool dates, almonds, pecans, pineapple chunks, blueberries, olives and grapes.
Buy ready-made favorites.
When things are really tight there's often some things that you just can't make at home so get some extra hands to help you out.
You can order online and have items such as dehydrated snacks, breads or kale chips delivered to your home or office.
Even fresh squeezed orange juice and guacamole can be bought at most healthy grocery stores.
It really helps out a lot.
Eat lots and lots of staples
Not the kind that bind your paper together silly, by staples you're looking for bananas, apples, oranges, pears, lettuce, tomato, zucchini, kale..
basically things that require little to no refrigeration and are as easy as 1-2-3.
Your body will thank you in two ways: You'll have more energy and have more time for sleep.
Sleep is good for a busy schedule! When things get tough, smart eaters get tougher.
Equip yourself and you won't have to sacrifice your body to your business.
WANT TO USE THE FEATURE ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You may, as long as you commit to leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, and include the following text in full: Beatrice Johnston empowers those who desire to build and skyrocket momentum on their path to better health.
Beatrice invites you to download--as her GIFT to you--her Raw Transition Success Kit at http://www.
Included in it are the 2009 Raw Food Confidence Report, an audio recording of "Clearing Your Raw Food Roadblocks" and a subscription to her weekly ezine "Raw Momentum".
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