Despite some impressive results in laboratory testing, studies have suggested that resveratrol supplements probably aren't worth investing money in. The latest research indicates that the plant-based nutrient needs to reach the bloodstream in sufficient quantities to have any significant effects, and testing has unfortunately proved that this simply doesn't happen.
Individuals have been tested under a series of different conditions, including the consumption of wine on an empty stomach, drinking it with a meal and taking resveratrol in a non-coated form. None of these tests provided an indication of significant trans-resveratrol increases in the bloodstream.
Studies were also conducted with the purpose of researching the benefits of resveratrol based on standardized supplements with the highest trans-resveratrol concentration of 50%. Testing proved that when a certain coating is added to a supplement, levels of trans-resveratrol in the bloodstream do actually increase but most companies don't supply their supplements with either the coating or the specific concentration of trans-resveratrol required for this to happen.
When taking resveratrol in either a liquid or powder form, there are unlikely to be any benefits at all. Drinking red wine may provide some benefits, but this could be down to rhodium or iridium instead of trans-resveratrol content. Also, the amount an individual would have to drink to provide effective blood cell circulation could be potentially damaging to the liver.
In turn, results prove that taking resveratrol supplements may only be beneficial if suppliers use an effective concentration combined with other key nutrients and coat their product to enable it to reach the upper intestine in sufficient quantities so as to enter the bloodstream effectively.
If taken in sufficient quantities, resveratrol has a range of benefits that include a healthier heart, improved function of the body's natural metabolism and more. Resveratrol has also been shown to lower the risk of cancer, assuming these benefits can be transferred to humans following advanced animal testing.
Although nobody is completely sure how trans-resveratrol works, it is suspected that there is an increase in gene activity that can slow down the effects of superoxide. These superoxide molecules are a free radical that aren't particularly toxic but can cause DNA degeneration of an extended period of time. Gene activity actually reduces a superoxide to hydrogen peroxide which is also a free radical.
Based on this theory, resveratrol supplements should also contain Vitamin C, glutathione and enzymes to increase their benefits. This way hydrogen peroxide is further reduced to water by the Vitamin C and other ascorbates. The presence of glutathione and enzyme enable Vitamin C to stay in the body for longer.
Products that incorporate antioxidants and nutrients are likely to see greater trans-resveratrol benefits. Another product you may want to consider because of this is acai berry. Acai berry is a fruit from the Amazon that has high antioxidant qualities and many other beneficial nutrients. Many people prefer to drink acai berry juice or consume supplements that contain the powerful acai berry extract.
There are many natural nutrients that can be extracted from plants, but it would be impossible to include them all in ones diet. Marigold extract, for example, has been shown to prevent oxidative damage to the eyes. And, acai berry is shown to have a content of antioxidants, more so than red wine.
Individuals have been tested under a series of different conditions, including the consumption of wine on an empty stomach, drinking it with a meal and taking resveratrol in a non-coated form. None of these tests provided an indication of significant trans-resveratrol increases in the bloodstream.
Studies were also conducted with the purpose of researching the benefits of resveratrol based on standardized supplements with the highest trans-resveratrol concentration of 50%. Testing proved that when a certain coating is added to a supplement, levels of trans-resveratrol in the bloodstream do actually increase but most companies don't supply their supplements with either the coating or the specific concentration of trans-resveratrol required for this to happen.
When taking resveratrol in either a liquid or powder form, there are unlikely to be any benefits at all. Drinking red wine may provide some benefits, but this could be down to rhodium or iridium instead of trans-resveratrol content. Also, the amount an individual would have to drink to provide effective blood cell circulation could be potentially damaging to the liver.
In turn, results prove that taking resveratrol supplements may only be beneficial if suppliers use an effective concentration combined with other key nutrients and coat their product to enable it to reach the upper intestine in sufficient quantities so as to enter the bloodstream effectively.
If taken in sufficient quantities, resveratrol has a range of benefits that include a healthier heart, improved function of the body's natural metabolism and more. Resveratrol has also been shown to lower the risk of cancer, assuming these benefits can be transferred to humans following advanced animal testing.
Although nobody is completely sure how trans-resveratrol works, it is suspected that there is an increase in gene activity that can slow down the effects of superoxide. These superoxide molecules are a free radical that aren't particularly toxic but can cause DNA degeneration of an extended period of time. Gene activity actually reduces a superoxide to hydrogen peroxide which is also a free radical.
Based on this theory, resveratrol supplements should also contain Vitamin C, glutathione and enzymes to increase their benefits. This way hydrogen peroxide is further reduced to water by the Vitamin C and other ascorbates. The presence of glutathione and enzyme enable Vitamin C to stay in the body for longer.
Products that incorporate antioxidants and nutrients are likely to see greater trans-resveratrol benefits. Another product you may want to consider because of this is acai berry. Acai berry is a fruit from the Amazon that has high antioxidant qualities and many other beneficial nutrients. Many people prefer to drink acai berry juice or consume supplements that contain the powerful acai berry extract.
There are many natural nutrients that can be extracted from plants, but it would be impossible to include them all in ones diet. Marigold extract, for example, has been shown to prevent oxidative damage to the eyes. And, acai berry is shown to have a content of antioxidants, more so than red wine.