Health & Medical Nutrition

The Paleo Lifestyle: More Than Just a Diet

The paleo diet, also known as the caveman diet, has produced quite a following from the serious exercise and fitness enthusiasts all the way to people who are just looking to live a little healthier. This diet is based on a fairly simple premise that we should be eating more like our ancient ancestors, because the human stomach has not evolved much since the Paleolithic Era.

Eat Like A Modern Day Caveman

The modern day caveman diet focuses on the foods that were available to our ancient ancestors, including such things as high protein meats, vegetables, fruits, and other sources of natural fats. Since the caveman lived in a time before the Agricultural Revolution, paleo dieters eat foods that grow naturally. Leading figures for the paleo diet, like Mark Sisson and Robb Wolf, continue to advocate for caveman diet and what has become a modern paleo lifestyle.

Some Backlash Against the Paleo Diet

Of course, as with all things that create a large following, there has been some negative backlash surrounding the paleo diet's popularity. In 2013, there have been a number of prevailing articles and presentations which are attempting to €debunk€ the paleo diet. One of the biggest disputes is over how much certain foods have changed since the Paleolithic era, with veggies and fruits being engineered to be bigger and tastier than they were in the past. Other popular discussions have included an example of the change between broccoli now and what was really wild broccoli.

Built on Sound Nutritional Principles

Still, many of those debates have been overlooking a critical aspect of the paleo diet. While this style of eating is based on the premise of eating like our caveman ancestors, the diet itself has evolved into more of a lifestyle. Adding more healthy sources of food (lean meats, fruits, and veggies) while eliminating more of these processed foods can help to ensure better health at any age. This lifestyle is successful because it has been built up on sound nutritional principles, and the results certainly seem to speak for themselves.

Countless people have adapted the paleo diet in order to help lose weight and improve overall health, while others have even been able to gain better control over a chronic medical condition. When it comes to the modern day caveman diet, there is certainly much that can be debated, but this does not change what it has been able to do for many people. If you are interested in trying to live a healthier lifestyle, then this is a diet which is certainly worth learning more about.
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