Health & Medical Nutrition

Researches About Spinosad

Spinosad also know as spinosyn, is a secondary metabolite produced by soil actinomycetes thorn sugar fermentation. Spinosad is novel macrolide antibiotic, but often the opposite of macrolide antibiotics, spinosad has no inhibitory activity, but have insecticidal activity.
Spinosad in the environment through a variety of combination ways to biodegrade, mainly are the light degradation and microbial degradation and eventually become a component of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. natural. The half-life of spinosad biodegraded by soil photolysis is 9 to 10 days, while the half-life of water photolysis is less than one day, the foliar photodegradations half-life is 1.6 to 6 days. In the absence of light, the half-life of spinosad aerobic soil metabolism is 9 to 17 days. In addition, the leaching property of spinosad products is very low, fair use would not pose a threat to groundwater.
Pests are the main factors that led to the stored grain number loss, cause the food became mouldy, reduce food quality. Now China on the prevention and control of pests in stored grain is mainly dependent on chemicals. But heavy use chemical agents long-term, on the one hand led to stored grain pests generally resistant to chemical agents; On the other hand, some pesticides affect non-target insects, some beneficial insects inadvertently wipe out, lead to injurious insects sharp growth, cause catastrophic consequences; whats important, the increasingly serious problem of chemical residues not only caused serious environmental pollution, but also bring a huge threat to human health. For this reason, scientists from various countries were tried to find a new safe insecticide to control pests in stored grain.
Spinosad is a novel microorganism insecticide has tag out and feeding toxicity effect, to pests has the outstanding features of broad spectrum effect, to human, non-target animals and the environment are extremely safe, and biodegradable. The spinosyns has a completely new mechanism of action, it is not affect the acetylcholinesterase and Na + channel, make it different from the traditional organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides. The experiment proved it has rapid contact and ingestion toxicity effect on insects. Its mode of action is to stimulate the insects nervous system, resulting in non-functional muscle shrink, collapse, accompanied by tremors and paralysis. The results of this effect is consistent with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activated results, obviously, this mechanism in the known pest control products are novel and unique. The spinosyns also act at the -aminobutyric acid receptor, it may be contributed to their insecticidal activity further improved, so the mode of action is unique. The role bit point of imidacloprid and other nicotinic receptor class insecticide and spinosad is not the same. Although abamectin is a natural product, and the same as the macrolides, but its role sites also different from spinosad. So far, there are not found that certain types of products can in the same mode of action affecting the nervous system of insects, also there are no reports about spinosads cross-resistance.
Spinosad has a unique insecticidal mechanism of action, in line with the concept of resistance management, no cross-resistance with existing chemicals, can take turns using with the existing application of pest control products. In addition, spinosad on predatory insects have selective and moderate residual characteristics, these were greatly reduce the likelihood of resistance development. But as like as the growing insecticide resistance number indicated, the insects universal adaptability has repeatedly proved. Therefore, we should strengthen the study of spinosad resistance management aspects, according to different crops, pest species, geographic region, and the special resistance management strategy to major pests.
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