Law & Legal & Attorney: Exponential Population Growth & Its Effect on the Environment

Exponential Population Growth & Its Effect on the Environment

Global population growth is estimated to be increasing at 2% per year. Not only is the world population the highest it has been in human history, but it is increasing at the fastest rate. Eventually, if these growth trends continue it will have an adverse effect on the Earth's landscape and resource

Law & Legal & Attorney: Robert Mugabe - Part 2

Robert Mugabe - Part 2

Is Robert Gabriel Mugabe a hero or a villain? Is he a failure? YES! The man is dillusionary and and idealist and is not pragmatic. He is an autocratic despot who has screwed it up BIG TIME!!

Law & Legal & Attorney: Texas Early Voting Information

Texas Early Voting Information

The state of Texas offers early voting in a couple of different ways--in person and by mail. The benefits of voting early include not having to wait on Election Day. Also, you know that if you fully intend to vote, but something comes up on Election Day, you already have it covered.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Mission Impossible? Australian Politics Style

Mission Impossible? Australian Politics Style

Today marks the start of mission impossible, Australian politics style, as the federal government tries to sell the Carbon Tax to the people. Judging by the opinion polls conducted after the introduction of this new tax, it will definitely be a tough challenge.

Law & Legal & Attorney: America to Dems: We're Just Not That Into You

America to Dems: We're Just Not That Into You

In a NewsRealBlog post last week, I wrote about the top 10 excuses Democrats will make for why they were destroyed in Tuesday's historic midterm elections. Apparently I gave Democrats too much credit. I was assuming they would accept the fact that they had been defeated.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Proper Disposal of the United States Flag

Proper Disposal of the United States Flag

Chapter one, section eight, item k, of the United States flag code states: "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferable by burning." Though the flag code does not give specific directions for a "dignifie

Law & Legal & Attorney: Telugu News Latest : No More Allies Says Kcr ! Hello Andhra

Telugu News Latest : No More Allies Says Kcr ! Hello Andhra

Hyderabad : TRS chief KCR has given out his decisions about the future action plans. On Wednesday, he said there will not be any more allies from now on with any other parties and also that there is no question of mergers now at Telangana Bhavan.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Democracy - Have We Lost the Art of Debate?

Democracy - Have We Lost the Art of Debate?

I enjoy watching many of the talks given by people at TED (Technology, Entertaining, Design), a small non-profit organisation devoted to spreading ideas that are worth listening to. This one by Michael Sandel, a pioneer of open education, who teaches political philosophy at Harvard is called 'T

Law & Legal & Attorney: Minor Disruptions Cause Chaos in Transportation

Minor Disruptions Cause Chaos in Transportation

Recently the Los Angeles Transit workers are on Strike and the RTD is not operating, this happens every few years. This disrupts the flow of people on their way to get food, go to work, attend college or visit friends. When the flow of transportation is disrupted it hurts our trust in the integrity

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is Pan Americanism?

What Is Pan Americanism?

Pan-Americanism is the ideal of unity among the states of the Americas. Starting with the struggle for independence in Latin America in the early 1800s, the idea was that American nations should support each other in matters of security and sovereignty. While this original idea never took off, a num

Law & Legal & Attorney: If You Like Your Healthcare Plan, Some Of You Can Keep It

If You Like Your Healthcare Plan, Some Of You Can Keep It

We all remember the Democrat promise which solidified support for Obamacare, "If you like your healthcare you can keep it, period." Reminds me of the broken campaign promise from George Bush Sr. who once famously said, "Read my lips, no new taxes." Let's analyze the issue.

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Part Does a Caucus Play in a Election?

What Part Does a Caucus Play in a Election?

In 1968, protesters caused chaos at the Democratic National Committee's convention in Chicago. These protesters felt the Democratic Party represented only a small sliver of actual Democratic voters. Following the riots, a commission studied the issue and determined that convention delegates who bett

Law & Legal & Attorney: About Colonial American Economics

About Colonial American Economics

Founded from the very beginning as profit-making business ventures, England's colonies in North America quickly became integrated into a larger imperial economy that serviced the needs of the mother country. However, as much as the American colonies were part of a larger economy, they also became se

Law & Legal & Attorney: Challenges of Election in Nigeria and Election Petition Tribunal

Challenges of Election in Nigeria and Election Petition Tribunal

A close study of political landscape today on the approach of politicians to politics convey that a lot still needs to be done to enable us have elections which are free and fair, as referred by sections 15 to 18 of the 1999 constitution of Nigeria. The major setback on our elections has been a dire

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Types of Governments in the World?

What Are the Types of Governments in the World?

Governments create government sign image by Tom Oliveira from Fotolia.comMiriam-Webster online dictionary defines government as "the organization, machinery or agency through which a political unit exercises authority and performs functions and which is usually classified...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Which Countries Have the Death Penality for Homosexuality?

Which Countries Have the Death Penality for Homosexuality?

Homosexuality is illegal in many countries around the world, and a handful of nations enforce the death penalty as punishment for citizens who are in same-sex relationships. According to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Mauritan

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Girl Activist Group

How to Create a Girl Activist Group

America has a rich history of feminist organizing. Since the early 20th century during the labor movement, countless girls and women have joined together to stand up for their right to vote and earn a fair wage. In modern times, feminine activist groups have channeled together around issues from gen

Law & Legal & Attorney: Freedom for Kosovo (Remember the Alamo)

Freedom for Kosovo (Remember the Alamo)

If it was up to Kosovo, province, they would elect tomorrow to be independent of Serbia (and may very well do that); at this point, the U.S. and European have agreed on one thing, if anything, they support their independence.