Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Why Can"t We Have a 45-Hour Presidential Debate?

Indeed, I've always said that I want a president who is smarter than me.
There are not many topics that I can't speak for 20 hours or more without running out of information and things to say, or insights, innovations, or new concepts in those areas of the human endeavor.
If you are going to run the greatest nation ever created in the history of mankind you need to be a superhuman with super intellect.
You need to be able to reduce very complex topics into very simple and easy to understand layman's terms.
You must be a communicator, and an executive leader.
No one ever said running a country with expenditures sometimes exceeding $1 trillion annually was going to be easy.
It's a huge undertaking, and there will be no rest for the wicked, therefore we need someone who is wickedly smart, and has a handle on things.
I don't think we ought to leave such an important job as running this great nation up to a politician who has no greater skill than perhaps being able to read a Teleprompter, or bully their way through a debate.
As I've watched the 2012 debates for president, I've been completely bothered by the rapidly thrown out innuendos, gotcha politics, and Jerry Springer like cat fights.
Indeed, I want a president who can debate for 45 hours with the level of intensity that we normally see in a 90 minute debate speaking to the facts and realities, not the attacks or falsehood personal character assassinations.
I want to see who can outlast the other, and never run out of information, and never repeat what they've already said.
It's easy to remember one-liners, and a few stump speeches here and there, but I want to see someone that knows the issues backwards and forwards and upside down and every single direction to Sunday.
I want someone who can think outside the box, in the box, and reconstruct the box as if it were origami.
Why do I believe this is possible because I could do it - further, as an entrepreneur you must do it.
To survive in business and be the best in your industry you must be able to know every single aspect of that business and that industry.
Any solid entrepreneur can talk about their line of work, and every aspect of their business and they can do it for 45 hours straight.
To be President of the United States you need stamina, you need vision, and you need passion and you shouldn't run out after 90 minutes, nor should we allow them to get away with two-minute answers.
We deserve more than that because we are the greatest nation ever created history of mankind and it took a lot to build this country, and we need not throw away in one generation due to political correctness, political rhetoric, class warfare, socialism, or settle for some sort of "last liar wins" scenario.
Why can't we have a 45-hour presidential debate, it takes at least that long to cover all the topics.
This country is over 3000 miles wide, and that's just in the continental US.
We have the greatest military ever put together in all of human history.
We have the greatest GDP of any nation, and we built the greatest country in just over 200 years.
This is no time to rest on our laurels, or settle for a president who quite frankly isn't good enough.
This is the time to get tough, get busy, and get the job done.
We can do this, we don't need blame games, we don't need to avoid our enemies, nor do we need to sit back and pretend that we are no longer great.
We should not be apologizing for our greatness, we should be standing on our principles, and we should lead the world by example.
That's what we've always done before, that doesn't need to change.
Sure, there are new strategies to try, new ways of doing things, and we are now in a global economy.
All that I grant you, but that doesn't mean we can't stand for justice, liberty, and freedom around the world.
We do not need to backtrack, nor do we need to lie to our citizenry to promote a false agenda.
We can live with integrity, transparency, and we can show the world what we're made of.
Some would say as the Council on Foreign Relations recently had a debate that America's time for being the world's superpowers is over.
To that I say; bull.
It's not over friends, that's wishful thinking on the part of those who wish they could be us, but they can't because they aren't as good as we are when we put our mind and focus, along with our vision and will on a goal.
Let's keep America number one, and let's get this show on the road.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
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