Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Water Saving Rules

    • Water catchment cisternbarrel image by WojtekZ from

      Many local municipalities have implemented strict rules and methods against improper water usage to assist in conserving water to aid in the stifling drought conditions. Most of these cities are in the southwest United States, such as Los Angeles and Albuquerque. Since there is only a finite amount of fresh water, politicians have been concerned about maintaining an appropriate amount for future potable water needs.

    15 Percent Reduction

    • Some cities have pricing penalties that involve adding fees to the water bill for those who fail to reduce their water use by 15 percent. Low-income users and those who use a small amount of water will not incur fees.

    Hard Surfaces

    • The use of water to wash any hard surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways and walkways, and parking areas is prohibited, unless it is necessary for health and safety measures.


    • A government ordinance states that no one is to use water to clean, maintain or fill decorative fountains, unless it is part of a recirculation system.


    • Water-saving rules dictate that people not water lawns during periods of rain, as well as during the hottest, peak usage hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The rules require that watering outdoors be limited to 15 minutes per watering station and 10 minutes for all other irrigation systems. All large landscape areas must have rain sensors to automatically shut off irrigation systems when not needed.

    New Homes

    • Some cities have rules that require rainwater harvesting systems. These regulations mandate a minimum of 85 percent of the roof area must be built to capture rainwater. Any building constructed over 2,500 square feet must have a water cistern and pump. Rain barrels, cisterns or catchment basins will be required for buildings with smaller footprints.

    Vehicle and Laundry Washing

    • People must use hoses with self-closing, shut-off devices to wash a vehicle. All commercial laundry and car washing businesses must have recirculation systems.

    Restaurant Drinking Water

    • Restaurants should not serve water to patrons unless they specifically request it.

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