Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

The Benefits Of Listening To Political Talk Radio

It wasn't too long ago that our current president came down hard on Republican Party (and other conservative group) leaders for listening to conservative talk radio, particularly those radio show hosts which openly criticize the administration.

You may agree with him you may think that talk radio and open emphasis on partisan politics only furthers the conflicts that have gotten this country into the predicaments we are facing now.

But some experts believe that talk radio acts as a forum for public discussion, allowing for the flourishing of freedom of the press and other principles of democracy (and to be honest, I agree with them).

It is often true that conservative personalities dominate the radio waves, so if you aren't sure if you are politically aligned with them, you might also think that you have no valid reason to tune in.

But if you aren't sure, that is precisely why you should take the time to tune in! Talk radio is one way for me to stay in touch with the happenings around the world without having to listen to the dry reporting from the evening news.

Plus, you may be surprised to know that research from developing countries shows that individuals who listen to talk radio also openly discuss global and public affairs more frequently with their friends and family members. This raises awareness in cultures as a whole.

Many people tend to criticize talk radio for "brainwashing," and only presenting one side of issues which are multi-faceted. But the glory of America and you being a free-thinking human being is that if you heartily disagree, you can change the station, turn off the radio, or better yet share your own opinion in various ways.

Respond with your own blog or even take advantage of hosts' offers to accept callers' comments. Being active about sharing your opinion means that you are exercising your rights, which tend to die out when people neglect them.

Again looking at research, we find that many people who listen to talk radio are more likely to go to the polls on voting day to give their input on issues they care about and to participate in protests when there is something going on in the community they disagree with.

One benefit of talk radio is that it is convenient; even if you miss it during your morning commute, internet technology has made it possible to listen virtually any time of the day or night. That means you have virtually no excuses exercise your rights. Turn on some talk radio today.
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