Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Robert Mugabe - Part 2

Now having looked at the general history of Zimbabwe in Part 1 lets take a closer look at Robert Mugabe himself.
One is bound to ask - is Robert Mugabe a failure? An emphatic YES! Is he a dictator? Definitely! A despot and an autocrat who will manipulate anybody and everybody as long as it furthers his wishes even to the extent of murder and genocide! However, Robert Mugabe has in his long rule done some good - he expanded the education system and even had free education to ensure as many people of Zimbabwe got educated as possible.
The country has a literacy rate of 85% - one of the highest in Africa! However his downfall is foresight.
Educating people is good but one should then plan on what is going to engage these people after school.
Robert failed to realize that educated people will definitely need employment and empowerment.
He failed to utilize the nation's resources to be able to meet this fundamental need.
The educated masses of Zimbabwe had a major exodus into towns in search of brighter opportunities - industry was not expanding fast enough and therefore jobs became scarce - an educated mass with nowhere to go! This frustrated the townsfolk.
With an increase in demand, decrease in supply the process of economic implosion started an Robert failed to address this.
Any wonder it is in towns that he continuously loses at election time?? Up to this time in the history of Zimbabwe, Mugabe's government had been pro- Marxist.
This worsened the situation.
The World Bank then tried to save him by encouraging economic refocus and the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) was introduced.
This was good as a policy but Robert's government failed dismally in its implementation of the strategy.
Corruption increased within government circles and within the industrial sector as a whole.
The system failed to absorb the increasing number of graduates.
People realized they were backing the wrong horse - Robert had failed to lead the country.
Robert realest the threat and guess what - he decided to drive people out of the towns by burning down their makeshift houses and asking them to go back to rural areas - in a clean up operation! Operation Murambatsvina! He however, got power hungry (pressure from the new young wife - Grace! and a family with young children) he decided to cling onto power at all costs - vote rigging became the order of the day.
He decided to pile even more power into his office - change the constitution to fit his wishes.
He thought he would appease the povo (the masses) by screaming land reform and redistribution! The idea was good but once again implementation was dismally appalling.
His idea of land redistribution was to use force, give farms to his cronies (in a bid to gunner their support behind his staying in the hot seat).
Honestly even a 10 year old child will tell you its foolish to give a farm to a man who can not even grow a bed of roses in his own front yard! The farms became tools of reward and the cronies have used them as holiday homes! This effectively killed the agricultural sector.
Robert Mugabe being the shrewd man he is realized this was not working and he had to find a scape-goat.
He blamed the country's economic problems on the white farmers, and their alleged foreign backers Psychologically a man who can not accept mistakes, bullies the innocent and the weak is immature.
Robert Mugabe was never fit to govern! He is an excellent orator, maybe thinker too but that's not what makes a good leader.
One must be mature enough to implement, or delegate efficiently and monitor the situation to ensure success.
Robert Mugabe has always been a loner - how can he ensure effective implementation of policies and principles as a leader without resorting to bullying tactics and dictatorship? He resorts to revenge when things don't go his way!! Every good leader should be open to dialog, contradictions and healthy debates - Robert Mugabe clearly is not such a man.
The man is so full of self righteousness he actually has a hanging in his office which reads - Mugabe is always right!! (No wonder he runs the country like an"animal farm") The man has surrounded himself with henchmen who tell him what he wants to hear and often this does not reflect reality - he is not in touch with what is happening on the ground.
He has delusions of grandeur and people fan this by saying - oh forgive him he is just advised badly! What utter rot! What kind of leader bases his leadership on what people tell him - is he a puppet? This has led many people to exploit this weakness and has led to the Joint Operations Command (leaders of the police, air force and army chaired by Emerson Munangagwa) having more influence on the state of affairs of the nation than they should have.
All this shows clearly Robert Mugabe has failed as a leader and he MUST GO! Despite losing the presidential elections on 29 March 2008 and losing elections where he was the only candidate (Is it not surprising that we were only told of percentage votes - 85% and not figures! He actually got fewer votes than he got in March), he still believes people are behind him! Robert Mugabe must be removed from office, tried for his transgressions and thrown into Matapi cells where he belongs.
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