Law & Legal & Attorney: Major Achievements of Thomas Jefferson

Major Achievements of Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson requested that on his tombstone he should be remembered for 3 things. The author of the Declaration of Independence. Passing the statute of Religious Freedom in Virginia and founding the University of Virginia.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Condi Rice Receives More Than She Bargains For With Guitar Gift

Condi Rice Receives More Than She Bargains For With Guitar Gift

"I'm a musician, you know..." said a delighted Condoleezza Rice while strumming the charango - an Andean five-string lacquered guitar - which the Bolivian President had just presented to her. The occasion was a meeting between the U.S. Secretary of State and Evo Morales, Bolivia'

Law & Legal & Attorney: Israel Termed A 'Nuclear Power' By US Officials

Israel Termed A 'Nuclear Power' By US Officials

Two non-senior US officials indirectly called on Israel to start planning on cancelling its nuclear weapons programs. Even though they said this is not intended for the foreseeable future, their publicly terming Israel a nuclear power on a par with India and Pakistan might be a sign that the US perc

Law & Legal & Attorney: Is The Entitlements Dilemma Manageable?

Is The Entitlements Dilemma Manageable?

Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are all in a financial chaos. Social Security is probably the most secure program out of the three. A small raise in the retirement age, a small increase in the Social Security tax rate, raising the Social Security cap number, or some combination of all of the

Law & Legal & Attorney: U.S. Constitution Facts for Kids

U.S. Constitution Facts for Kids

The U.S. Constitution is what shapes the politics of the United States, and has done so since its creation. It is the foundation on which today's government is based on, and major decisions affecting the country are made with the Constitution in mind. While it may be a difficult document to read, it

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Press As a Tool For Political Condemnation

The Press As a Tool For Political Condemnation

The televised Prime Ministerial debates have added a compelling new edge to the electioneering campaigns of all parties. One of the most notable and potentially momentous implications of this new form of political canvassing has been the unexpected leap in open public support for Nick Clegg and the

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find a Poll Booth

How to Find a Poll Booth

Your polling place is specifically assigned to you based on your voter registration address. In most cases you can only vote at your assigned polling place, and the location can change from election to election. Before heading out to vote, be sure you know the location of your polling place for the

Law & Legal & Attorney: The General Duties of a President

The General Duties of a President

A president must be present and prepared for meetings.holding glasses businessman image by Brett Mulcahy from Fotolia.comA president is the highest ranking official of an organization, club, society or university. Presidents reside over parent-teacher associations and other educational...

Law & Legal & Attorney: 2003-2006 Republican Congress Vs 2007-2010 Democrat Congress

2003-2006 Republican Congress Vs 2007-2010 Democrat Congress

Democrats keep talking about not wanting to go back to what we had. What we had, until just months after Democrats took control of congress, was low unemployment, rapidly decreasing deficits, soaring per capita disposable income and soaring revenues to the government--everything that makes an econom

Law & Legal & Attorney: ExertingInfluence


An equation exists involving the relationship between interactions, leverage and influence. This equation has been used quite successfully with respect to many special interest projects. If it were used with projects of more general or broader application, our collective quality of life might very w

Law & Legal & Attorney: Asvab Practice Test - How To Get The Most Out Of Taking An Asvab Practice Exam

Asvab Practice Test - How To Get The Most Out Of Taking An Asvab Practice Exam

Are you planning to join the military and take the required ASVAB test in the foreseeable future? The ASVAB, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, is quite challenging, and you should take an ASVAB practice test as soon as possible for a chance to improve your scores. Here's how takin

Law & Legal & Attorney: We' re Disabled And We're Proud

We' re Disabled And We're Proud

An activist in California speaks out against what Governor Schwarzenegger is proposing in cuts to human services. She points out the contradictions of his proposals and wonders if the lobbyists for the nursing home industry are in his back pocket. Even such important services as meal preparation and

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Theory of General Strike and We the People Power

The Theory of General Strike and We the People Power

This theory was developed by the nineteen century French philosopher George Sorel (1847-1922). As it has been historically demonstrated, anytime it has been employed it has reached its goal. It is a highly effective way to bring down any government or corporate elite regardless of its power and stre

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Oil Mongers are Raking It In

The Oil Mongers are Raking It In

Who controls the prices of gasoline? The oil companies which made record profits last year while we kept paying more and more at the pumps. Why doesn't our questionableadministration do anything. The answer is obvious.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Cert Products - Supplies To Keep Your Community Safe

Cert Products - Supplies To Keep Your Community Safe

A community emergency response team, also known as CERT, is a group of individuals that work together in the event of an emergency to help the community. These group prepare for different types of emergency events and assist other first responders.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How the Senate Voted on the Stimulus Bill

How the Senate Voted on the Stimulus Bill

On February 12, 2009, the U.S. Senate passed the controversial $787 billion economic stimulus package by a vote of 60 to 38. After months of deadlock and heated debate, the measure passed the Senate by the slimmest of margins with the 60 votes necessary to send the bill to President Obama's desk for

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Truly Remarkable Woman

A Truly Remarkable Woman

Micheline Calmy-Rey is a mother, grandmother, negotiator, pacifier, and ultimate politician. She infects you with a sense of pride in being Swiss and conveys the reality in what is meant by what we call in Switzerland, active neutrality. When she smiles, you fall in love. When she frowns and scowls,