Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Is The Entitlements Dilemma Manageable?

The United States originally consisted of individual states whose allegiance was to the states rather than to the nation as a whole.
The individuals had to fend for themselves.
Various churches, friends, and relatives were all that prevented disabled people, homeless people, and sick people from starving to death without even any shelter from the elements.
Immigrants were in the same situation as the needy.
The nation was without any form of government social network to assist them.
The country began to accept the concept of North verses South thinking during the middle of the nineteenth century.
A government sponsored social safety net still did not exist in the land of plenty.
Immigration continued to spread across this nation until we formed into one nation from coast to coast.
We started to think more of ourselves as united into one-nation rather than individual states around the World War I era.
The Army's Rainbow division was made-up of soldiers from the Northern and Southern parts of the United States.
George M.
Cohan wrote patriotic songs that people across the entire land sang and loved.
Cohan's songs included Yankee Doodle Dandy, Grand Old Flag, and Over There.
We were finally becoming one nation.
The spirit of us being one nation and not just individual states led the people to think of helping out those less fortunate.
Candidates won elections campaigning for aide to the needy people.
The Great Depression era finally brought about a government sponsored social safety net in the form of The Social Security Administration [SSA].
The SSA provided a safety net to the elderly.
The SSA originated from within The Socialist Political Party.
Franklin D.
Roosevelt accepted the SSA concept and he had the Democratic Congress assist him in passing SSA into law.
The national government expanded the social safety net during the mid 1960's.
Lyndon B.
Johnson insisted the nation could afford guns and butter at the same time.
The guns supported the Vietnam War while the butter supported the needy.
The butter was actually government programs such as food stamps and Medicaid for the needy and Medicare for the elderly.
The increased spending on guns and butter plus the petroleum crisis during the Arab oil embargo resulted in the government printing more money than the economy could justify and stagflation occurred.
We found out that overspending on the social safety net could destroy the economy at large.
The Soviet Union dissolved because of overspending on so-called guns and butter spending.
Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are all in a financial chaos.
Social Security is probably the most secure program out of the three.
A small raise in the retirement age, a small increase in the Social Security tax rate, raising the Social Security cap number, or some combination of all of these would make Social Security solvent for the foreseeable future.
But, Medicaid and Medicare are birds of a different feather.
Some government officials have suggested that limits might be required to maintain these safety net programs.
A proposed recommendation was to eliminate bypass surgery for the elderly.
This would result in parents and grandparents being left to expire rather than treating them.
That would be an extreme solution but it might become a necessity in order for the Medicaid and Medicare to remain solvent.
The current anticipated recipient's levels are what the scenario stated above is based on.
The worse news about our social safety net may be on the way soon.
The Presidential primaries disclosed even worse scenarios.
A candidate running for the Presidency [Senator Hillary Clinton] stated that undocumented workers should not qualify for safety net programs but the candidate [Senator Hillary Clinton] also favored a path to citizenship for those same undocumented workers.
The undocumented workers once admitted, as citizens would immediately qualify for all of the nations safety net programs.
The undocumented workers are also demanding family reunification.
This answer brings us back to the original question that no one wants to mention.
What is the associated cost to the safety net if the undocumented workers become citizens? The undocumented workers are hard-working and good family people but most of them do nominal jobs that pay the minimum wages.
Ever more funding would be required to the safety net programs should the undocumented workers gain access to the system.
The current safety net is facing difficult troubles already.
Adding low waged undocumented workers to the safety net might once and for all bust the delicate bubble that currently exists for all of us.
Do you support providing medical assistance for the newly imported citizens and their extended families at the expense of denying life saving medical treatment for your parents and or grandparents? Answering the question, "What will be the associated cost of the nations safety net be if citizenship is made available to the undocumented workers" is a must! Waiting until the undocumented workers are citizens might be too late to ask the question of the cost to our social safety net.
All of the past great societies have fallen from forces within before they fell from exterior forces.
The ancient Greeks, the ancient Egyptians, and even the great Roman Empire fell from forces within before they fell from exterior forces.
Might this be the beginning of the end for the United States, as we have known it? Only time will tell.
What do you think America? It is something for you to ponder over.
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