Law & Legal & Attorney: Al-Qaeda Threat Tape to Obama and the Afghan War

Al-Qaeda Threat Tape to Obama and the Afghan War

Days before elections Joe Biden, the Vice-President-elect, told campaign donors: "Watch, we're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle [of Obama]."Did Joe Biden really have in mind al-Qaeda?

Law & Legal & Attorney: Reasons Democratic Governments Need Separation of Powers

Reasons Democratic Governments Need Separation of Powers

Democratic governments implement the separation of their legislative, executive and judicial powers into different divisions of the government. There are a number of reasons why separation of powers is beneficial for the citizens.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The John F Kennedy Assassination

The John F Kennedy Assassination

The JFK assassination was one of the most memorable and tragic moments in the 20th century. Explore the time line of events that led up to this tragic event and its aftermath.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Proxy Vote Procedures

Proxy Vote Procedures

The government of the United States defines a proxy as having the authority to do something. A person who has proxy can put this power on someone else who they wish to carry out the act for them. This sometimes happens at a vote, when the person called the appointer gives power of the proxy to someo

Law & Legal & Attorney: Landforms in the Northeastern Region

Landforms in the Northeastern Region

Many pioneers settled in the Shenandoah Valley.wagon image by Gina Smith from Fotolia.comThe Northeast region of the United States consists of several states, including the smallest state, Rhode Island, and the entire area referred to as New England. Many of the states in the Northeast...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Fairness Doctrine Will Limit Free Speech

The Fairness Doctrine Will Limit Free Speech

The Fairness Doctrine was a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulation brought into effect formally in 1949 that required radio broadcast license owners to air a range of opinions about controversial issues in a fair and balanced way. The Doctrine was intended to promote diversity in media o

Law & Legal & Attorney: Are Republicans Killing Us?

Are Republicans Killing Us?

Governors challenge Medicaid expansion, members of the U.S. House of Representatives vote against infrastructure spending, members of U.S. Senate filibuster's a reasonable fire arms bill, tea party supporters in Congress, do not end sequester cuts that effect all programs including those for th

Law & Legal & Attorney: Literacy & Women's Rights

Literacy & Women's Rights

Women in many countries remain illiterate because of stringent government control, harsh economic conditions and a multitude of other social and cultural reasons. As history proves, literacy grants women the power to see that their rights are upheld and allows them to be better citizens, which has m

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Eurozone Crisis and Scottish Independence

The Eurozone Crisis and Scottish Independence

This article looks at the issues surrounding Scottish independence in the context of the Eurozone crisis. What we have learned from the troubles in the Eurozone is fundamentally that monetary union requires fiscal and political union. The Scottish National Party want to have independence, but retain

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Tainted Legacy of Former Chilean President Ricardo Lagos

The Tainted Legacy of Former Chilean President Ricardo Lagos

Before addressing the issues that have shadowed the government of Ricardo Lagos - who presided as leader of Chile from 2000 to early 2006, it is important to review the historical context leading to his administration. Chile's reintegration into the democratic world officially began in 1988 fol

Law & Legal & Attorney: Campaign Yard Sign Frames or Wires

Campaign Yard Sign Frames or Wires

Yard sign frames, or wires, come in two types for political campaigns: H frame and I frame. Small businesses and real estate agents sometimes will use a sturdier but prohibitively expensive aluminum frame for their outdoor signs. Each of these frame types has certain advantages and disadvantages for

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Write a Letter to a U.S. Senator

How to Write a Letter to a U.S. Senator

Writing a letter to a U.S. Senator is one way to express your opinions on legislation or other federal issues. Contact the senators in your state if you would like your concerns to be addressed. Senators welcome comments from constituents so they can accurately represent the views of their states i

Law & Legal & Attorney: About Flags

About Flags

Flags are a symbol of unity and pride to many people throughout the world. They are banners that join people together under one cause and for one common purpose. Flags are to be respected, and there are many rules regarding the display of flags. Flags can be displayed indoors and outdoors.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Political Caucus Procedures

Political Caucus Procedures

Voting is one procedure of many america image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comDue to heavy media coverage, the Iowa Precinct Caucus has become the best-known caucus procedure in the United States. It is what the Communication Research Center of the University of Northern...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Definition of Exchange Rate Stability

Definition of Exchange Rate Stability

Exchange rates express the value of one country's currency in relation to the value of another country's currency. The rates play an important part in economics, affecting the balance of trade between nations and influencing investment strategies.

Law & Legal & Attorney: History of Hudspeth on the Lewis & Clark Trail

History of Hudspeth on the Lewis & Clark Trail

Nearly every historic trail of the western United States owes its existence to the expedition of Lewis and Clark. The Hudspeth Cutoff, a shortcut along the Oregon trail in Idaho forged during the gold rush, is no exception.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Preachers and Candidates Wars of 2008

The Preachers and Candidates Wars of 2008

Pastors Wright, Hagee and Parsley have been thrown under the bus and Dr. Dobson is still under scrutiny as he continues to size up the presidential candidates. Who is a casualty and who is the victor in this war between pastors and presidential hopefuls?