Law & Legal & Attorney: China Through The Looking Glass

China Through The Looking Glass

When the United States first reestablished relations with China during the Nixon administration, no one at that time would have predicted the present outcome. China has emerged from a quasi-feudal system that could barely feed its own people into an economic powerhouse that presently competes with t

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Get an Early Ballot

How to Get an Early Ballot

Early ballots, also called absentee ballots, are available for registered voters who will be out of the country or region on election day or who are unable to travel to a voting location on election day. Early ballots are available for nationwide elections all the way down to local races. Laws vary

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is Government Relations

What Is Government Relations

Business leaders and government leaders always seem to be at odds with each other. Businesses want to run their operations without the government intruding. Governments want to have the authority to make sure businesses are run in a relatively ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Recognize a Fake Eye

How to Recognize a Fake Eye

According to the American Society of Ocularists, eye replacements today are more natural looking and comfortable than glass versions. Developments in ocular technologies have been embraced since patients seek normal-appearing, comfortable and affordable eye replacements. An eye prosthesis often has

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Most Dangerous Place in the World - Right Here In America

The Most Dangerous Place in the World - Right Here In America

My brother once asked me what I thought was the most dangerous place to be in the whole world. I pondered his question by mentally perusing all the hot spots throughout the world where disease and war were rampant.I cant remember what I answered but I will never forget my brothers answer to me.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Senator Ted Kennedy on the Importance of Health Care Reform

Senator Ted Kennedy on the Importance of Health Care Reform

Senator Ted Kennedy may well succeed in death as he tried to do in life ... to create real health care reform. With the support of Barack Obama's administration, we could be on our way to creating a country that lives up to its creed of taking care of the poor and the rich, the old and the youn

Law & Legal & Attorney: Polictics, Relgion and Points of View

Polictics, Relgion and Points of View

Politics, Religion and Points of viewBy Mark.J.StevensAfter watching a show called Question Time on BBC 1 this last weekit dawned on me just why the world is the way it is right now, For the Government i.e. The Labour Party and its Beleaguered Leader Tony BlairUnited Kingdom seems to be torn apart i

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Hidden Issue

The Hidden Issue

To hear the mainstream news media tell it, the only issue really in play in the 2008 Presidential election is the war in Iraq. What you're not hearing about is an issue that is likely to have a decisive impact on the Presidential race: abortion.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Power Generation And The Nigerian Economy

Power Generation And The Nigerian Economy

Nigeria is indeed a land flowing with milk and honey. We are one of the largest markets in Africa with over 140 million people. We are counted among the three foremost economies in Africa alongside Egypt & South Africa with a booming oil & gas sector and a thriving telecoms industry. International c

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find a Post Office Mailbox

How to Find a Post Office Mailbox

Once upon a time, it seemed that there were United States Postal Service mailboxes everywhere--you know, those friendly blue metal containers, where you can slip a letter into the inky blackness. With so many people living in homes with their own outgoing mailboxes, there is a lower ratio of public

Law & Legal & Attorney: Wireless Internet Gets Americans Connected to Politics

Wireless Internet Gets Americans Connected to Politics

America is a country that prides itself on democratic values. The voices of the people are what fuel the country towards success and make this country one of the best in the world. The way that people voice their opinions today, however, has changed immensely with the advent of the internet and its

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Latest Two Deceptions From The Obama Administration

The Latest Two Deceptions From The Obama Administration

This article reviews two of the latest tax assertions from the Obama administration, namely that 1) the rich in America need to be taxed more to pay for Social Security and 2) the rich, as measured on a percentage basis, pay less in taxes in America than other Americans. The analysis quantitatively

Law & Legal & Attorney: 2010 - Politically, It Was Much Worse Than You Thought

2010 - Politically, It Was Much Worse Than You Thought

This articel reviews some of the major political events of 2010 and updsates their respective situation with the latest news reports. Unfortunately, almost all of the situations are worse than most originally thought, with politicians able to make good situaiotns bad and bad situaiotns worse. These

Law & Legal & Attorney: Three Things You May Not Know About George Herbert Walker Bush

Three Things You May Not Know About George Herbert Walker Bush

With a history that includes being a wartime hero, the one-time head of the CIA, the Vice President under Ronald Reagan, and then the President himself, George Herbert Walker Bush has led a fascinating life. There are a great many things known about the man who would be father to another President o

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Causes of Currency Devaluation

The Causes of Currency Devaluation

In today's foreign exchange market, most national currencies operate under a floating exchange rate, where value is allowed to fluctuate freely against other currencies and financial assets. Many macroeconomic factors can cause devaluation of an individual currency, including central bank monetary p

Law & Legal & Attorney: Victor Or Victim?

Victor Or Victim?

Everybody has a story that breaks the heart, but have you ever noticed that those that have overcome the worst trials and tribulations are sometimes the most joyful? What is their secret? What sets apart those who rise above their circumstances and those who wallow in them? Victors have discovered t

Law & Legal & Attorney: Books not Bullets

Books not Bullets

The ordinary Filipino family values education more than any other needs or necessities. Parents are struggling hard just to send their children to school, they risk life and limb and will not rest until they see their children march on stage to recieve their degrees and diplomas. It's the only

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Sugar Duties Act

The Sugar Duties Act

The Sugar Duties Act was a bill passed in Great Britain in 1846 that ended protective tariffs for colonial sugar. It was part of Great Britain's move toward free trade during this period, but was controversial because it meant that Britons might indirectly support countries with slavery by buying th

Law & Legal & Attorney: Health Care Reform Bill Levies 3.8% Tax on Sale of Residential Real Estate

Health Care Reform Bill Levies 3.8% Tax on Sale of Residential Real Estate

Is it true real estate will be taxed 3.8 as part of the health care reform bill? Recently, a friend of mine mentioned that the new health care reform bill was going to include a 3.8% sales tax on the sale of homes. I think I blurted out, "you've got to be kidding me!"Of course, I had

Law & Legal & Attorney: Managing Myth, Media Manufacturing

Managing Myth, Media Manufacturing

The tragic death of Benizeir Bhutto in Rawlipindi Pakistan has moved America's last manufacturing base into high gear. The American President Bush implies that it was Al Queda and Muslim extremists solely responsible, no investigation needed. Fred Thompson part time Republican presidential cand