Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Conduct a Smear Campaign

How to Conduct a Smear Campaign

A smear campaign is an effective, if destructive, political tool that casts an important shadow of doubt over a person's moral and personal integrity. Used in electoral politics, career maneuvering and even personal life, a well conducted smear campaign can help you chip away at your opponent's imag

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Can't We Have a 45-Hour Presidential Debate?

Why Can't We Have a 45-Hour Presidential Debate?

Indeed, I've always said that I want a president who is smarter than me. There are not many topics that I can't speak for 20 hours or more without running out of information and things to say, or insights, innovations, or new concepts in those areas of the human endeavor. If you are going

Law & Legal & Attorney: Are You Caught In Insurance Politics?

Are You Caught In Insurance Politics?

Did you know that there are certain kinds of medical treatments that insurance companies refuse to cover, even if a doctor deems the treatment necessary? It's true, and this truth may make you wonder, are politics involved when it comes to insurance companies and their health insurance policies

Law & Legal & Attorney: Losing Face Beats Losing Lives

Losing Face Beats Losing Lives

Why are we continuing down a path that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans, and uncounted people in Iraq?

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Causes Urban Decay?

What Causes Urban Decay?

Urban decay occurs when a part of a city falls into disrepair and abandonment. Characteristics of urban decay include high unemployment rates, high crime rates, depopulation, desolate-looking landscapes, abandonment of buildings and split families. Urban decay does not have one single cause, but r

Law & Legal & Attorney: Indian Republic Day 2012

Indian Republic Day 2012

Indian Republic day is very important in the history of the India so a three day holiday is celebrated all over the India and on that day in the capital state of the India which is Delhi a march is prepared for the audience in which a chief guest is sponsored by the Indian government .

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Do I Know My Polling Location?

How Do I Know My Polling Location?

There are thousands of polling locations across America, all specifically set up for a section of the community surrounding each polling station. Polling locations are usually set up in public areas, such as schools, ranging from elementary schools all the way to colleges. Small towns may have only

Law & Legal & Attorney: Did Statins Cause Senator Ted Kennedy's Brain Tumor?

Did Statins Cause Senator Ted Kennedy's Brain Tumor?

Legions of well wishers look on as Senator Ted Kennedy struggles for his life, fighting against one of the most difficult types of brain tumors.Ironically, it may be the drugs he has so adamantly promoted that are the straw that broke the camel's back, leading to his brain tumor.

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Scary Story - The Public Option?

A Scary Story - The Public Option?

This article describes fear of change and argues that members of congress need to overcome this in order to be able to vote for health reform that includes a public option

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Is Kentucky Called the Bluegrass State?

Why Is Kentucky Called the Bluegrass State?

Kentucky is called the "Bluegrass State" because of the bluegrass present in several areas throughout the state. Bluegrass is also known as smooth meadow grass and common meadow grass.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Pork: Billions Wasted Each Year To Reelect Incumbents

Pork: Billions Wasted Each Year To Reelect Incumbents

Pork Is Rampant In The United States Congress. Voters must reverse the slogan, Bring Home The Bacon. We send a whopping increase to the federal government each year, add enormous costs, than have a small portion of those costs returned, to make a Senator or House member look good. To increase nation

Law & Legal & Attorney: Overview of a Libertarian

Overview of a Libertarian

Libertarian, the word is being thrown about more than ever, especially with the rise of the Tea party in reaction to the Federal governments pursuit of more power over peoples lives and the economy. Tea party member or not, a growing number of citizens are joining a national discussion about small g

Law & Legal & Attorney: Milwaukee Labor Day Events

Milwaukee Labor Day Events

Milwaukee, which lies on the shores of Lake Michigan, is rich with Labor Day festivities.south milwaukee image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.comLabor Day festivities in Milwaukee allow attendants to both honor the working men and women of the United States and celebrate with their friends and...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Green Party's Political Ideas Regarding the Economy

The Green Party's Political Ideas Regarding the Economy

Anyone interested in understanding the economic ideas of the Green Party USA could start by reading the platform adopted at the annual Green Congress in Chicago in May 2000. The overriding principle of that platform is to establish an economy based on democratic decentralism with bottom-up responsib

Law & Legal & Attorney: Telugu News : Chandra Babu Asks To Revolt ! Hello Andhra

Telugu News : Chandra Babu Asks To Revolt ! Hello Andhra

Guntur : TDP chief Chandrababu has given call to the public to teach lesson to the Congress government. He said the public should not commit suicide like cowards, instead they should kill the Congress government which is the reason behind.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Economics of Transport

The Economics of Transport

The economy relies heavily on the transportation of goods and people to operate efficiently and at an optimum level. Essential to various trade and distribution networks, the transportation industry can have positive and negative effects on the surrounding community and the economy as a whole.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Define Marxism

Define Marxism

The term "Marxism" refers to the ideas and policies of German philosopher Karl Marx. It deals closely with class struggles and socialism, but encompasses many other societal principles.