Law & Legal & Attorney: Will Paul Ryan Help Mitt Romney's Presidential Run

Will Paul Ryan Help Mitt Romney's Presidential Run

Mitt Romney had a very difficult decision in picking a vice presidential running mate. Many pundits felt that this decision would be crucial in determining the success of Mitt Romney's presidential bid.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Terrorism and Democracy: Put Your Mouth Where Your Money Is

Terrorism and Democracy: Put Your Mouth Where Your Money Is

Cables leaked recently by whistle-blowing site Wikileaks have revealed much about the United States and, to a lesser degree, about its allies. Among the thousands of cables released, one stands out enough to warrant any particular recognition. Cable 236863, with the date of November 25, 2009, was wr

Law & Legal & Attorney: Foreign Policy of Founding Fathers

Foreign Policy of Founding Fathers

Self-government does not come without a struggle.Certainly freedom is not free.It was purchased for us by the lives, fortunes, blood, and sacred of honor of our Founding Fathers.Let us therefore hold dear to the spirit in which they walked and founded our republic.May we always remain one nation und

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Health Nazis - "No Soup Kitchens for You!"

The Health Nazis - "No Soup Kitchens for You!"

A few odd stories have surfaced in the news recently which caught my attention, all involving the feeding of the homeless. Evidently there is a movement underway by local governments to curb donations of food supplies to soup kitchens. At first I dismissed it as an obscure story, but when I saw it r

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Pros & Cons of Term Limits?

What Are the Pros & Cons of Term Limits?

Franklin D. Roosevelt's long term in office led Americans to impose term limits on the presidency.Roosevelt Memorial image by dwight9592 from Fotolia.comTerm limits set a maximum number of years that a public official, usually in an executive branch, may serve in that office. For example,...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Barack Obama Campaign And Its Effect On Future Elections

The Barack Obama Campaign And Its Effect On Future Elections

In the year 2008, the American people were hoping to find hope. Experiencing dire economic straits, a war without any end in sight, and non-stop political scandals, people of all party affiliations desired to feel that things were getting better.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Perception Management: Crisis Management In Critical Situations

Perception Management: Crisis Management In Critical Situations

Perception management becomes particularly important in crisis situations. Public perception has been important in industries recovering from product tampering related deaths in the 1980s, or the e. coli outbreaks at Jack in the Box restaurants of the 1990s.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Is the Student Loan Bubble Ready to Burst?

Is the Student Loan Bubble Ready to Burst?

Not long ago, President Barack Obama issued an executive order to modify the terms of student loans to help students stay out of default. Now then, I am not a supporter of this current president, but that was a wise move. Unfortunately it comes on the back of other circumstances that we need to full

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Primary Effects of the Asian Tsunami

The Primary Effects of the Asian Tsunami

A 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck 45 miles off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011. The earthquake triggered a tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan and reached the west coast of North and South America. The primary effects of the tsunami were loss of life, destruction of property and cessatio

Law & Legal & Attorney: Proper Handling of the U.S. Flag

Proper Handling of the U.S. Flag

Within the boundaries of free speech privileges, 4 USC Title 4 guides the use and display of the U.S. flag. The document is updated periodically to reflect changes in usage and technology. Underlying all instructions for proper use of the flag is the representation of the United States and its peopl

Law & Legal & Attorney: Craft Ideas for Statue of Liberty Crowns

Craft Ideas for Statue of Liberty Crowns

In 1886, to celebrate the 100th birthday of the United States, France gave the nation what would become a symbol of American freedoms: the Statue of Liberty. If you are throwing a Fourth of July-themed birthday party or are looking for a craft for a classroom full of students, making Statue of Liber

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Was the Legal Basis For Assessing Operation Cast Lead?

What Was the Legal Basis For Assessing Operation Cast Lead?

The applicable legal framework for assessing the recent operations in Gaza is the "Law of Armed Conflict," also known as "International Humanitarian Law." The conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza meets the definition of an "armed conflict" in the decision of the In

Law & Legal & Attorney: Are the Two Major Parties Really That Far Apart?

Are the Two Major Parties Really That Far Apart?

America's corporate-controlled media continually reinforce the message that the two major political parties are separated by a vast ocean, giving the electorate a meaningful choice between two starkly different ideologies. But just how true is this? A closer look at several key policy areas sug

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Advantages of Totalitarianism

The Advantages of Totalitarianism

It has become conventional wisdom that market capitalism and democracy are the ideal forms of social organization. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1988, the dramatic differences in the standard of living between the two countries closed the book on centrally planned totalitarian control as the

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Post the Flag During a Closing Ceremony

How to Post the Flag During a Closing Ceremony

The flag ceremony is practiced in all of the military branches and in the Cub and Boy Scouts. This ceremony is sacred in that it involves the parading of the United States flag or ensign. This ritual calls for Americans and those in attendance to respect the flag and all that it symbolizes. The ret

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Do You Show Respect for the United States Flag?

How Do You Show Respect for the United States Flag?

Proper treatment of the U.S. flag has become the cause of much controversy during the past few decades, as the needs of the 1st Amendment clash with the desire to honor and respect the ideals for which the flag stands. However, if you don't know the protocols involved in the proper handling of the f

Law & Legal & Attorney: Concept of Welfare State

Concept of Welfare State

Modern concept of welfare state has a long history. It is a fact that welfare concept of state have been started from the failure of pure capitalism in politics.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Do I Find a Good Political Campaign Manager?

How Do I Find a Good Political Campaign Manager?

Almost every great campaign has a great political campaign manager standing behind it. Apart from the candidate, the campaign manager is the most important person on the team, responsible not only for the day to day operations of the campaign, but also for a significant portion of the big-picture pl

Law & Legal & Attorney: Joe Biden: Medium Class Was Buried on the Last 4 Years

Joe Biden: Medium Class Was Buried on the Last 4 Years

North American Vice-President, Joe Biden, stated on Tuesday on a campaign rally at Charlotte, North Carolina, that the medium class was buried on the last 4 years. This were precisely the number of years of Barack Obama presidency.